• Welcome to Crohn's Forum, a support group for people with all forms of IBD. While this community is not a substitute for doctor's advice and we cannot treat or diagnose, we find being able to communicate with others who have IBD is invaluable as we navigate our struggles and celebrate our successes. We invite you to join us.
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  • Hi Lisa,
    My name is Megan. I am writing on behalf of our son, Nick, who has Downs Syndrome, little language, and Crohn's. When you have a minute,
    could you please read my post under new member N, for Nick. Thank you. I am new at all of this. I am not sure how this works. Thank you, Megan
    🙂just believe
    I wish you the best you seem like a great person/ parent who cares so much
    Hi there how can I message you privately with a question? Thank you
    Hi there sorry, it’s an urgent question about recto fistula I would be so grateful I just don’t know how to message privately sorry
    It’s about pregnancy and fistula - I’m sorry I came across your experience and I just want to ask a couple of questions thank you!
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