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  1. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    We had heavy rains overnight, the wet season is moving in quite predictably. I am resting up, took the iron supplements, and am staying away from caffeine and anything else that may interfere with iron absorption. There is a noticeable improvement with feeling better when getting up from the...
  2. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    I had a Gi bleed that started on Sunday, I lost a lot of blood and ended up going to the ER yesterday morning. I should have stayed at home. Looked good at first at the ER when they took my vitals, but my blood pressure was only 95/65 and took bloodwork, I thought I would be inside in no...
  3. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    15C sunny and windy. I made myself a breakfast, bacon and eggs with pancakes and syrup. Tea and orange juice and a banana. It went down well, and I can feel the fuel in my stomach. This will put the rebuilt system to the test. I went for a good walk yesterday, and will do the same later. Its...
  4. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    10C with a passing shower. Its been milder, and the leaves are popping out on many trees now indicating that the biting flies might be only a week out from hatching. My doctor prescribed only 20 percocet tabs, a drop in the bucket. I asked for more but was declined. Luckily I have an ongoing...
  5. Bufford

    CurQD has anyone tried it

    I would agree, taking supplements is really about experimentation, its one thing to do it to one's own body because we can feel the effects and early warnings to make an assessment. But to provide it to a child or even to another person would not be a good idea as we have no idea of how their...
  6. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    I was told that the donut cushion was not to be used due to the spreading of the stitches. The hospital bed was comfortable I lived in it during the hospital stay which gave me ideas for home. The living room recliner chair is about as close to a hospital bed, and I have been living in it since...
  7. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    7C cold and wet. It was a long afternoon yesterday, the neighbor took me in to see the stoma clinic and they were pleased with the healing progress, and will provide me with home care on the days I need to change the bag. I found sitting in the waiting room on those hard chairs to be impossible...
  8. Bufford

    CurQD has anyone tried it

    I gave it a try several years ago, and I had some good results with it, that lasted nearly a couple of years to the point I thought that I found the cure. But with time I started getting heart problems with it including palpitations, dizziness to the point of vomiting and I had to go off of it...
  9. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    10C and very springlike. Two days ago I saw the first leaves popping out on some of the poplar trees, while others are still tight in the bud. The grass is greening up and the rabbits and partridges are enjoying the fresh greens. My butt has greatly improved over the past couple of days, sitting...
  10. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Your number one on the runway Tony. Its a great feeling to rise from the wreckage and once again resume life, participating in the world rather than looking at it go by from the inside of the hospital window. Take it one step at a time and enjoy your favorite comfort foods. Frosty last night...
  11. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Tony it will be awhile, probably 4 to 6 weeks before I can resume work like cutting firewood. That does not stop me from lighting fires as I still need to heat the house as the nights still get to the freezing mark. Sometimes I can get away with one or two shots from the oil furnace first thing...
  12. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Carol the problem is that the politicians are now doing the prescribing instead of the doctors. I consider it a crisis situation for patients today because their current medical situation is not being considered first, rather the politics comes first and the patients suffer in uncontrolled...
  13. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Again we had quite a light show last night, and the power was doing some weird things but stayed on. Its likely due to the long power lines we have in these remote parts. Carol, I am faring quite well, I am glad I have a reserve of percocet at home because the doctors are reluctant to prescribe...
  14. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Last night the clouds parted and there was a northern lights display that lit up the night. There has not been one like this in years. The same solar storm was threatening the power to go out, but it held up. Its a nice warm sunny day coming up, and I am going to enjoy life in the slow lane. 12C...
  15. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Since I never married marks me the impossible man, I'm okay to wear that badge. It might be not so bad when I hear about the issues my nephew and others deal with. However, there's no free lunch, I still have to carry out the trash and bring in the firewood. Day three of being home, and so far...
  16. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Hi Carol, I am doing well, it was abit rough at first, but now I developed a routine at home resting and taking it easy. It's a great excuse to do nothing and spend time calling friends and family. 10C with sunshine. I see recovery after a major surgery as a new start on the next chapter of...
  17. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    I'm back on the right side of the hospital window, back in the world instead of looking at it from the gurney. It was an 8 hr surgery, they did it laproscopic and saved a small portion of my colon. If I may say it was a wild ride of a journey between the crazy dreams of being chased by bears...
  18. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Thanks for the inspiration Tony, its very real now, the fast is on and I had a glass of apple juice for a breakfast. The cat was sleeping in the hospital bag. Yesterday I went for a walk to the lake, looked at my completed dock and wondered if I will be using it, or if my condition becomes...
  19. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    There is nothing quite like going for a good walk, the fresh air is like a tonic. I may do that later, and it will be the last one until post op. We received a centimeter of snow this morning, everything is white and very calm. The black clouds of the operation are building to the west and...
  20. Bufford

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    If I am going to get any of the loose ends done outside then I better do them today, now they are calling for freezing rain tomorrow. 0C with a few flurries.