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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. jland25

    Talking to your child about his illness

    I was wondering if anyone had some experience to share about talking to your child about his or her illness. My 12-year-old son was recently diagnosed with Crohn's and while I want to be positive and reassure him, I feel he also needs to know that this isn't a cold that will be cleared up in a...
  2. jland25

    Glucose Tolerance Test

    My son's doctor has ordered (more!) blood work, including a glucose tolerance test. Of course, he failed to mention this particular test before sending me the script, so I was just wondering why this is done? Is 6-MP a risk for diabetes? The biologics? He is newly diagnosed and only on...
  3. jland25

    Reeling from new diagnosis

    Thank you all for the advice! I'm sure I will be back here often---
  4. jland25

    Reeling from new diagnosis

    My beautiful 12-year-old son got his official diagnosis of ileocolitis today. He got very sick very suddenly, losing nearly ten pounds in a month. While I am grateful to have some answers, I am heartbroken. My son has autism and I am a single mom so we've already had our share of tough times...
  5. jland25

    MRE versus small bowel series

    Boy, I can tell I will be leaning heavily on this group in the months--and years--ahead. I haven't slept all week trying to decide what is best for my son and what test I might actually get him to do with some success. I'm leaning toward the MRE as I have an indolent lymphoma myself so the...
  6. jland25

    MRE versus small bowel series

    Thank you all for responding. I feel like I've been hit with a two-by-four to the head, I'm so blindsided, so all help is appreciated. As far as the MRE: I was told he couldn't be sedated because he had to drink the contrast right before the MRE and the anesthesiologist was not comfortable with...
  7. jland25

    MRE versus small bowel series

    Hello- My 12-year-old son was just diagnosed with Crohn's based on colonoscopy/pathology and now his gastro wants to do either a upper GI/small bowel series or MRE with contrast to see the extent of disease. I'm so worried about radiation exposure for my young and very small son, especially...