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  1. B

    My journey to getting well

    Thinking about this, it is a big change. My tongue has very little sores on it. This comes after not feeling all that well. It is remarkable and I attribute that to the supplements I'm not taking. In the past to heal the tongue sores could takes a month or longer. Now, they heal up or don't...
  2. B

    My journey to getting well

    The fatigue is gone, no doubt about that. I'm beat the heck out of myself today, walking and jogging for close to 12 miles, did lots of push-ups and tough kind, and did 50 leg squats. I even went on a 20 minute bike ride in the cold. I feel fine. I'm not hurting, I'm not sore, at least not...
  3. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm feeling good and upbeat this morning. Avoiding garlic family and carrot family members has me feeling better. Gut is hanging in there. Energy levels are above average. I took one of those high dose vitamins and so far I'm doing just fine. I guess my only complaint this morning from the...
  4. B

    My journey to getting well

    I drank a glass of wine with lunch today and so far, no issue. The gut feels good. I'm feeling upbeat about avoiding garlic family and carrot family. It will likely take months to get healthy, if i have the answer this time around, but maybe the wait will not be as long now that I'm taking...
  5. B

    My journey to getting well

    I continue to feel better since avoiding garlic family and carrot family members. Muscles feel much better. The fatigue is gone. I'll naturally forget how this change came about but at the moment I'm thinking this has to be it, the answer I'm looking for. Tongue looks great. No tongue...
  6. B

    My journey to getting well

    It really is quite exciting, the fatigue is gone. I'm feeling decent amounts of energy. This afternoon I took that vitmain B multi vitamin that I was concerned about possibly causing fatigue. So far I'm feeling fine. Tomorrow I'll drink a glass of wine with lunch. I'll see if that...
  7. B

    My journey to getting well

    Well this morning has gone poorly. I experienced some scary stomach pain issues, and worsenning fatigue. Not good. So if all else fails, I'm going back to removing the new controversial foods I added to the diet. To start the new years I added a new supplement that had carrot and garlic in...
  8. B

    My journey to getting well

    I think I might have remember a better idea of what is causing the latest unpleasant fatigue. About two weeks ago I began drinking a glass of wine with lunch. I forget that alcohol will irritate my digestive system and has caused fatigue in the past. I'm better that is the cause here of late...
  9. B

    My journey to getting well

    It is nice, my eyes are blue and turning brighter blue. Very good sign. Gut was pretty much entirely well. Love that. Hope that continues. aAbout my only complain is I'm tired/fatigues some. I'm thinking it is mainly due to the multi vitamin natural that i took this morning. I'll stop...
  10. B

    My journey to getting well

    I took that high dose multi B vitamin again this morning and once again Im disappointed in it. It has me a bit worn out. I think what I'll do for the rest of the week is just take my normal supplements that does not cause me problems. I'll stop the high dose vitamin B supplement and see how...
  11. B

    My journey to getting well

    I'm doing well this morning. Energy levels are good. Stomach doing quite well. I'll stick with the fish diet, avoiding nightshade and a few other times. I continue to eat lots of spices with the nightshade free sauce I eat. Fingers crossed that works out well.
  12. B

    My journey to getting well

    I've done better today. Enegy levels are higher. Strength is good. I felt warmer since I didn't take the multi vitamin. Overall a decent day. Gut remains slightly grumpy. I will need to baby it the next few days since the dental appointment coming up on Wednesday. Overall I'm feeling good...
  13. B

    My journey to getting well

    I slept poorly last night. It happens from time to time. I'm thinkkng it could have been the fiber from the corn chips eaten. My gut was slightly upset also. I wasn't sick but wasn't as well to the gut as I have been of late. So hopfully I sleep better tonight. I'm a little fatigued. My...
  14. B

    My journey to getting well

    I felt rather chilled today. I'll blame that on the multi B vitamin I've been taking. It isn't as big of a problem as other vitamins but I've noticed it does make me feel cold. In the warmer months that isn't a problem but now it is a bit of a problem. I'll likely take a break from it for...
  15. B

    My journey to getting well

    I feel quite well this morning. It is wonderful. I'm doing something right. It is always hard to give a number on how well I am but I'll guess 7 to 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. For me, that is in the wonderful range. I suppose the only bit I'm not pleased about is eating corn chips. They are...
  16. B

    My journey to getting well

    I had a change of mind and ate more of those corn sweat potato chips and tomato free/nightshade free spaghetti sauce. Surprisingtly the tomato free sauce tastes really good, better than tomato spaghetti sauce. I'm taking a chance. I need to be healthy on Wed. for my dental appointment. I...
  17. B

    My journey to getting well

    Last night I was feeling really good. This morning I'm feeling really good. I'm back in a good place. I can say with certainty that the low dose natural vitamin causes me problems, fatigue problems mainly. Maybe this vitamin has synthetic vitamins in it. It says it is all natural. Hard...
  18. B

    My journey to getting well

    I am doing much better today since avoiding that natural low dose vitamin. I suspect the natural low dose vitamin has synthetic vitamins in it. Hard to say for sure of course but the feeling I get, fatigue, easy falling asleep, poor concentration, etc from taking sythetic vitamins is the same...
  19. B

    My journey to getting well

    So far I'm feeling better since avoiding the natural vitamin. I'm not as worn out. So hope that continues. It is quite chilly outside this morning and in the house. Imagine I'll be feeling cold fof the day. Tongue looks great. Energy levels are ok. Strength is nice. I'll keep avoiding...
  20. B

    My journey to getting well

    Today was the third day in a row that i felt worn down, some fatigue. 3 days ago i started taking that new low dose natural vitamin. I'm going to stop the natural vitamin and see if my energy rebounds. I'll replace it with the high dose vitamin. I believe the high dose natural vitamin...