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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. JenEdwards

    Camp Oasis

    Kailynn just got back today and had a wonderful time! I am so glad she got to go. I am so thankful all the wonderful volunteers and those that made it possible for her to go and be taken care of. I highly recommend that anyone with a camp in the area definitely look in to their child going...
  2. JenEdwards

    Belly Pain

    So tonight K is complaining of belly pain. She says it doesn't hurt when she is laying down but anytime she moves it hurts. When she walks she can't stand up straight. It's right around her belly button and a little tender on the left side. She is a little congested too. Is there something...
  3. JenEdwards

    5yrs old and starting Sulphasalazine!!

    Kailynn is on 2000 mg of it a day. She takes it along with folic acid and iron. It has worked well for her since hers is fairly mild. The only side effect she has was a headache for a few days. Her last bloodwork showed that it's working.
  4. JenEdwards

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    This is a question off the posting by Shell. At what point is it a good idea to get a 504 put into place?
  5. JenEdwards

    Our Surgery Journey

    Glad you ladies are home. I hope the adjustment to everything at home goes smoothly for all of you.
  6. JenEdwards

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Thanks for the thoughts MomofIBD. I set up an appt this afternoon for her. The pollen is really bad here so it could just be allergies but I'd rather be safe. I'm going to take her and her younger sister who's asthma is acting up thanks to the pollen....poor baby coughs all night long.
  7. JenEdwards

    Forum for teens?

    I'm going to have my daughter take a look at the sub-forum later today. She was wanting to talk to others that have cd.
  8. JenEdwards

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Ok what's on my mind today fits in this thread. Kailynn has a sore throat and for the last two days her temp is 96.2. She's just feeling crummy and I'm not sure what to do with her. Any suggestions? I just find it odd that her temp is so low
  9. JenEdwards

    Educational Seminar in Atlanta

    I only got to stay until after lunch but I found it very interesting. One of the questions I had I got the answer to. The one Dr. talked about probiotics and alternative treatments. She said that with cd that there was no effectiveness for using probiotics. With pouchitis it was found to be...
  10. JenEdwards

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    So anyone want to take a guess on how long it takes to get bloodwork results? K had hers done last Thurs afternoon and I haven't heard anything back yet. I am anxious to know what her levels are and if the meds are working for her. I hate the waiting game.
  11. JenEdwards

    Lab Values

    Glad the Dr. finally got back to you and hope the procedures give you some answers.
  12. JenEdwards

    Our Surgery Journey

    I am so glad that surgery is over for her. I hope she has a quick recovery. She sounds like an amazing young woman!
  13. JenEdwards

    Great News for today !

    :D WTG Congrats! That is awesome
  14. JenEdwards

    The Worried Mum's/Dad's/Carer's Club!

    Dusty, Hope Roo is feeling better today. Julie, The thought of "coconuts" made me smile. Sounds like something my 6 yr old would come up with. One day she told me hers were pickles lol. Things are going pretty well for us here. K goes for her bloodwork tomorrow. Hopefully what she is...
  15. JenEdwards

    How do I?

    Yay I figured it out! Now I have a siggie and a pic lol
  16. JenEdwards

    How do I?

    Connie, she goes to Dr Hochman at childrens center for digestive health. You daughter is beautiful!
  17. JenEdwards

    Nervous...nervous !

    Wow what a rough road for her and for you. I'm glad they were finally able to figure out what is going on for her. I hope they are able to get her in for surgery sooner. I know it's rough seeing them in pain and not being able to speed up things for fixing them. I'm sure it's a major stress...
  18. JenEdwards

    How do I?

    This has nothing to do with crohns lol. How do I make the signature line like I see alot of you all have? Also how do I put a pic along with my name?
  19. JenEdwards

    No News-Good News? I hope...

    Guess I'll join in on this one. K is doing pretty good with her new meds. She seems to have caught a touch of the stomach bug that her little sister had so she is home from school today. I think her stepdad is teaching her how to shoot squirrels with the bb gun since she's home lol. For the...
  20. JenEdwards

    Nervous...nervous !

    Hi Tracy, Sorry to hear about your girlie. I hope that they are able to figure out what's going on and get her feeling better soon. I'm new to here also. My daughter is 13 and was diagnosed last month. I like this forum bc everyone here has kiddos and knows what I'm going through. They...