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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Buckad2008

    Bladder Question

    Hiya I don't really post on here that often but I saw this and i thought I'd reply. By no means am I a expert and I don't want yo worry you I'm just saying my problem that I had. I had a problem similar to what you describe and I started getting pain when I went to they did a ultrasound and a...
  2. Buckad2008

    Word association

  3. Buckad2008

    Stoma Reversal on Tuesday 2/10/12 PLEASE HELP!!! Rip Bubbles

    My op is today they canceled it before it knocked me back 2
  4. Buckad2008

    Word association

  5. Buckad2008

    Word association

  6. Buckad2008

    Stoma Reversal on Tuesday 2/10/12 PLEASE HELP!!! Rip Bubbles

    Hiya i posted on here a while ago i went in to hospital 24/1/12 to have a bowel resecion and ended up with loop ileostomy called bubbles tuesday im due to have my reversal and im scared.I will keep posting on this thread whilst im in hospital and throughout my recovery.Thease a a few questions i...
  7. Buckad2008

    Upcoming Reversal

    My reversal is booked for next Tuesday I will be on my phone all the time in the hospital so pm me if you want to chat ? Dose anyone hVe any advice on the stay in hospital? 2
  8. Buckad2008

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    Bubbles Heya everyone just got home and really happy no pain meds for 4 days and although i was shocked to wake up with a bag im really happy. I was ment to be in surgery for 1-2 hours and i was in the operating theater for 5 hours because when they opened me up i was a real mess my bowel had...
  9. Buckad2008

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    op tomorrow realy scared ill try to keep you guys updated :( talk soon
  10. Buckad2008

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    Kevin, I was dealing with it all very well until new years eve when it was midnight i wet to bed and i was in tears.I've not eaten a lot in thee last few days and i have also had a cold and i think that the anticipation is doing it to me if i could have the operation tomorrow i would i have...
  11. Buckad2008

    Crohns BBM Group

    there is only a few joined please keep joining Happy christmas
  12. Buckad2008

    Crohns BBM Group

    it uses data if you have data free it should be free
  13. Buckad2008

    Crohns BBM Group

    BBM Group for people to talk about crohns
  14. Buckad2008

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    lol i can imagine me being like that lol and i had a realy dry mouth after i had my cameras years ago :shifty: and plastic taste was terrible
  15. Buckad2008

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    i went into the hospital yesterday for my pre med and all they did was ask about my health i asked if i could ask any questions she said no she didnt deal with them i could ask them on the day of my op i was a little annoyed because my surgeon said i could ask them yesterday :thumbdown: i have...
  16. Buckad2008

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    I am trying not to think about it but i seem to end up watching videos and reading about what to expect and what they will do.Saying that i am seemingly less worried about it all and i think it was the fear of the unknown. The only thing i still haven't decided what im having when i come around...
  17. Buckad2008

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    Thanks for your fast response i dont understand what people mean by frozen by an epidural i dont mind feeling a bit spacey i have been on max dosage of codine and paracetamol that makes me a abit spacey lol do you know what tubes and stuff i will have in when i come around ? i will keep...
  18. Buckad2008

    Surgery planned 24 jan scared !!!!!!

    This is only my second post on CF im 17 and in the past i have had remicade and azathioprine just recently i had a reaction to remicade i stopped breathing!! Last few weeks i have had a cystoscopy and they found a lump of what they suspected to be bowel and the ct confirmed it i have had a...
  19. Buckad2008

    It's that time of year again

    I know how you feel i too was on aza and inflix i was in a school with around 2000 people at first the school was not understanding at all and i ended up not going out but i really regret not going anywhere. I just tried keeping hands clean and not being in small spaced with lots of people. now...
  20. Buckad2008

    My Story

    Luckily i was at a children's hospital and was asleep for all of them. Thanks all for your replies just a little update :) . I went to see my doc and he has upped my Azathioprine to 175 mg and also my blood test showed i needed folic acid tablets im a little better work keeping my mind off my...