~80% of autoimmune patients are women, why?

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Mar 31, 2024
article lands a glancing blow on the reason -- sex hormones. namely estrogen and the improper clearing of it

estrogen is processed/broken down in two steps. the first step partially breaks it down into a HIGHLY toxic form of estrogen. the second step finishes it off, removing the toxicity. the problem arises when the second step doesnt keep up with the first step, allowing the highly toxic from of estrogen to linger. this is especially toxic to women that dont have daily bowel movements. estrogen ultimately gets expelled this way. letting it sit around in the colon is no bueno -- as some of the toxic can leech back into our systems.

in addition to gut health and daily bowel movements, two supplements to consider for help clearing estrogen -- DIM and calcium-d-glucarate

Why Nearly 80 Percent of Autoimmune Sufferers Are Female

Women account for an estimated—and astonishing—78 percent of people who have these disorders, which include See’s afflictions, as well as lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other illnesses in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells and tissues. Autoimmune diseases are now the fifth-leading cause of death in women younger than 65.

Why women are so much more likely than men to be plagued by autoimmunity has long been a mystery, but researchers are beginning to narrow down the causes: the different effects of sex hormones, of women’s X chromosomes, and even of the community of microbes inside us, which develops differently depending on sex.
great post wildbill. the oral contraceptives fall into the problems with estrogen too. megadosing the stuff is no bueno. antibiotics are the best advertising for probiotics -- they are everywhere, esp in our foods