Advice for gaining weight

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Jun 6, 2021
Hi, just looking for some advice on gaining weight. I’m 39 male, and have chronic Crohns. Had six resections removing a lot of my small and large bowel over the last 16 years. Had an ileostomy bag for 18 months years ago now fully reversed.

I’m not on a pity party like so many of the posts/threads I read about Crohns and Colitis. I find that’s a useless endeavour and something that irritates the life out of me. Life sucks with Crohns, we all know. Just my opinion anyway, sorry if that upsets anyone, just how I feel about it.

I can eat pretty much anything, but don’t seem to be able to put on weight. I forced myself into a heavy exercise regime to get fitter years ago. Managed to get much fitter and gain some muscle, but my body fat went down to 2% so it wasn’t really a good option for me.

Can anyone provide any advice? I’m really fed up with being thin! I just want a mild build again around my chest, arms and shoulders.
Hi there, what is your weight and height at the moment? Suggestions for good food to gain weight - avacados, peanut butter, nuts, nut butters. We are not meat eaters but high protein puts on the muscle. Ensure or Boost with protein/callories is a good addition to your daily meals.
Hi there, what is your weight and height at the moment? Suggestions for good food to gain weight - avacados, peanut butter, nuts, nut butters. We are not meat eaters but high protein puts on the muscle. Ensure or Boost with protein/callories is a good addition to your daily meals.

Hi Jo,

thanks for the reply - I really should have put that in! I’m 6’1” and currently weigh ~12 stone.

I eat lots of nuts and nut butters as much as I can tolerate. Also full fat milk, lots of cheese, and I eat as much meat as I can get my hands on. I don’t seem to have the hardware left inside to process much of vegetables sadly and these just pass undigested. I’m also not great with fish other than white meat fish. I try and get sugars in via Coke and lots of fruit.

I’ve also tried lots of protein shakes and prescription drinks like Fortijuce and Fortisip but nothing really seems to happen. It’s honestly driving me insane.

pre-chrons I was never a beefcake, but maintained 14.5st, with mostly muscle mass and a fat percentage of about 10%

I’m just hoping to get back closer to that without stripping all the fat like what happened the last time I went on a 3 month strength training bender.
Hi K - are you eating enough calories though - how many calories do you estimate you are eating? Have you tried going to a nutritionist who might be able to help you on this one. I know it can be frustrating. My son who has crohn's has always been thin and finally has reached a good BMI but hasn't had surgeries.
Hi K - are you eating enough calories though - how many calories do you estimate you are eating? Have you tried going to a nutritionist who might be able to help you on this one. I know it can be frustrating. My son who has crohn's has always been thin and finally has reached a good BMI but hasn't had surgeries.

Roughly 4000-4500 calories per day is my normal total, I can sometimes push 5000-5500 but it’s tough going. I’ve been through a couple of nutritionists and other than my love of full fat Coke, they say my diet should be working. Same comment back from my surgeon and my gastro consultant
Wow, I understand why you would be frustrated. That's a lot of calories. Have you had your thyroid checked? I know you are short on intestines so absorption is more of a challenge but I wonder if your thyroid needs checking - overactive perhaps? Just grasping.
Yeah I’ve had pretty much everything checked. Other than Crohns and missing various pieces of my insides I’m totally physically healthy. That’s why it’s been so frustrating.

I’ve exhausted most of my options, so I’m trying to gather as much info as I can.

the only thing I take now is a biologic injection called Ustekinumab every eight weeks to keep the Crohns at bay. They’ve told me this shouldn’t have any other interactions.
My suggestion
Add formula in addition to food
Modulen which is semi elemental formula
Or vionex elemental (amino acid based )
amino acid based only needs a few inches of healthy intestine to absorb it
But tastes horrible

they use this in kids
Given you may not be absorbing
My suggestion
Add formula in addition to food
Modulen which is semi elemental formula
Or vionex elemental (amino acid based )
amino acid based only needs a few inches of healthy intestine to absorb it
But tastes horrible

they use this in kids
Given you may not be absorbing
That’s good to know. Modulen I’ve tried and sadly didn’t tolerate well - killed my appetite so net gain was down. I’ll look into the second one though, that’s new to me. Thanks!
We were told for kids at least what ever you can get them to drink in addition to food is a win
So in the us if that happens to be a diet shake
The docs are ok with it as long as it’s not a replacement of meals
Your Gi should have samples of elemental formula (amino acid based ) to try
Most are powder abd taste bad (tube required )
But my kiddo was able to drink Neocate jr chocolate for years (age 12 on ) to help keep in weight with food
Carnation instant breakfast is his shake of choice now
But there is peptamen
Kate farms
Elecare jr
I only know the kiddie versions though