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Advice please I’m a newbie

I’ve been told I’m suffering with inflammation in the bowel. My dad had Crohn’s disease so it’s possible I may have the same. With this flareup of inflammation, I have been quite constipated I was prescribed movicol, but I’m not really able to drink this as it resembles a diarrhoea drink I had as a child and gives me a gag reflex. I can’t have lactulose as I am intolerant to lactose. So I went and bought some senna from boots.
My question is, is this ok to use when your bowels are inflamed as there is conflicting reports when I look online. I’ve been constipated for two weeks quite a lot of pain, Iv got a lots of mucus. I’m at my wits end not being able to go properly or eat properly and want some quick relief from the back up.
i am waiting for a colonoscopy for a definitive diagnosis. Would appreciate any feedback please.
I can’t speak to my dad as he sadly passed away in 2020.
I’m 40 with history of random urges to go toilet followed by a quick evacuation. Bleeding from the bowel, frequent constipation but never for more than a few days usually, and passing mucus regularly (both clear and orange looking)

Thanks guys.

my little penguin

Staff member
Movicol should be the UK version of Miralax
I think
If so you can add it to any hot or cold beverage
Tea etc … stir well and then there is no taste
Ask the chemist (pharmacist ) for the uk version of miralax .
Other things magnesium citrate if you ask your doctor on how much /how often etc … but that works quickly just with a lot of abdominal cramping /pain
You will need something for clean out for the colonoscopy as well
My adult child was dx at 7 and tends to be constipated unless he is on daily miralax .
His current drink is orange Gatorade that he adds the miralax to .
Water just tastes gritty
We have used koolaid before as well as lemonade .
might check into candida overgrowth. some of your stool symptoms seem to match. another one to look into is sibo.

When a person has an overgrowth of Candida in the gut, it can appear in stools. Candida yeast in stool can cause white, yellow, or brown mucus, loose stools, and more. Environmental changes in the body, certain health issues, and the use of antibiotics can encourage the growth of Candida.
Thank you I spent the night in A and E I’m completely backed up in large bowel front to back. I’m on 2 x movicol and 2 x senna to try move it. If no luck I’m going to be admitted. Fingers crossed.

my little penguin

Staff member
How are things going ?
Mucus is common especially with constipation crohns.
My kiddo has been on daily miralax (movicol) since age 7- now 20
If he takes it daily it’s less likely to get as constipated as you are
And given it’s an osmotic not as harsh as senna on the system

hope things are better for you
I ended up having an enema but right back to same problem. Can’t go even with lactulose which has made it soft but I still can’t push it out. It’s been 4 days since the enema. I’m booked for colonoscopy next week. Gonna try suppository in morning. Dr I saw thinks it’s in my head….i will update after the colonoscopy.
fingers crossed it gets sorted soon 😩

my little penguin

Staff member
Have you seen a doc about pelvic floor dysfunction?
There can be a disconnect which has nothing to do with crohns but is still serious
Can happen in men or women …
Yes Iv literally been looking up everything but truth be told until someone actually looks I won’t know what is causing it. It started bleeding tonight. I just want to find out what’s happening as this is all quite stressful 😣 it’s gone on for 3 weeks now.