Anyone have alternatives for gauze?

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Jul 6, 2016
I have had two perianal fistulas for close to two years now. I have been using gauze down there all this time to soak up the drainage. However, it is so expensive, and I am still a poor old university student. 25 of the knock off brand are close to $10. I shudder to think about how much money I have spent on these little pieces of cloth over the last two years. They also make a lot of waste.

My question is, does anyone use things like reusable/cloth gauze (similar to cloth diapers), or any other alternative? If you do, do you have any recommendations?

Thanks folks!
How much drainage do you have? You are right about the gauze being expensive. I use cotton rounds( it is actually used to remove make-up)and in my case it is enough to absorb the drainage. Not all cotton rounds are created equal, some fall apart/disintegrate. I use the one that has a smooth side to it, not the quilted one. I buy in bulk from Costco, swispers brand. Try it out first, you can get it at Target or walmart in smaller quantities.
I have used those when I have run out of gauze. But the problem is they are not right next to each other, so the length of an unfolded gauze is perfect. The other issue is sometimes they drain so much I need a bigger surface area than the cotton rounds. Other days I wouldn’t even need anything there. They drive me nuts!
Have you thought about using a sanitary napkin? Maybe a panty liner? They come in all different lengths these days, and you should be able to get them less expensively than the gauze.....
I hear you. I ended up ordered gauze in bulk online from Amazon and found it much more cost effective (not inexpensive but much cheaper than buying at the drug store). Believe it was about $50 for 1,200 8-ply 4x4s.
I am on the same boat as you now. 1.5 years with 2 fistulas in 2 different spots.

The pain of putting the gauze every morning before work and hoping it doesn't drain too much to the point it soils your pants.

Anything that you do to get rid of the fistula? My docs/surgeons won't do anything since they can't find an internal opening
You should see about getting an MRI, Kancer. That's how they found my sneakiest darn fistula ever. I also had barium swallows with a scan involved, can't remember the name of it. It may have been just a series of X-Ray's. I remember the gauze pads though, I sure hope they fix you up soon. Best wishes to you.
I have done the MRI with the (dye?). Something was injected into my veins while I was having an MRI. Apparently, they found 3 fistulas but I only have 2 external openings and no internal openings can be found. But I have pus coming out of this darn thing for the last 1.5 years.

The doctors insist that medication is my best option now. And I don't have the money to take biologics to I am just taking Azathioprine.
That is crazy, maybe they all missed the internal opening. Surely there had to be one at some would think anyhow. I figure they should get a different radiologist to read your scan. If you keep on them it may help, otherwise you might need another opinion. You have my support, I can really appreciate the struggle. Give me a shout any time, I'm here if you need someone to talk to.
eneg16 : I had a fistula in 1991 and used panty-liners. I had the Anal Fistulectomy in 1992.

Kancer : Pus doesn't sound good at all. You sure need a second opinion.

Hoping the best of health to the both of you. Lynda.
Kancer - Have you had an examination under anesthesia (EUA)? If that's an option, it would allow a surgeon to probe and perhaps learn more and propose the best treatment.

I have done the MRI with the (dye?). Something was injected into my veins while I was having an MRI. Apparently, they found 3 fistulas but I only have 2 external openings and no internal openings can be found. But I have pus coming out of this darn thing for the last 1.5 years.

The doctors insist that medication is my best option now. And I don't have the money to take biologics to I am just taking Azathioprine.
Kancer - Have you had an examination under anesthesia (EUA)? If that's an option, it would allow a surgeon to probe and perhaps learn more and propose the best treatment.

I will make sure to ask the surgeon about this option when I visit him next time. I sometimes pass gas from both my openings so I am not sure why they insist that no internal opening can be identified.
eneg16 : I had a fistula in 1991 and used panty-liners. I had the Anal Fistulectomy in 1992.

Kancer : Pus doesn't sound good at all. You sure need a second opinion.

Hoping the best of health to the both of you. Lynda.

I have been having pus daily since surgery with the pus increasing considerably whenever I have BMs.

How deep was your fistula and how long was your recovery?
I have been having pus daily since surgery with the pus increasing considerably whenever I have BMs.

How deep was your fistula and how long was your recovery?

I cannot recall how deep my fistula was or how long my recovery was either because it was 26 years ago back in 1992 that I had my operation, my anal fistulectomy. Things are probably done differently now that so much time has gone by.

I hope that you have a great day and you quickly find answers that will help you feel better.:rosette1: