Well here I am again, back in Crohn's world. After a great few years of remission and then me falling into old habits of putting my school and work above my self-care, here I am with an ileostomy. Had a big blockage a few weeks ago and lost what remained of my colon to surgery. Now I have an ileostomy and am about 3 days out of the hospital (surgery was just over a week ago).
I have so much to learn and ask about my stoma and need support, so I turn to Crohn'sforum as I have in previous flares and surgery times for friendship. Hi guys!! What's your advice for an ileostomy newbie?
I have so much to learn and ask about my stoma and need support, so I turn to Crohn'sforum as I have in previous flares and surgery times for friendship. Hi guys!! What's your advice for an ileostomy newbie?