Bad taste and smell last 2 days!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 13, 2014
I have been diagnosed with Crohn's just since January 2014. I am just over-whelmed at how sick I have been! Yesterday, I noticed bad taste and smell for the first time, and it persists today. I have already lost too much weight, and I'm nauseated all the time, and occasionally throw up, not to mention the diarrhea! And no appetite, can't sleep, fatigue. Is there some hope? I have been on 6MP, sulfasalazine, and just finished 3 months of prednisone. I started Zoloft yesterday. I'm hoping that's a magic bullet for the insomnia and fatigue. I am beginning to see I'm not the only stress monkey on here, and I know you are busy, but some advice would be sweet!
Hi Alison,

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time right now. You poor thing :(

What medications are you on now? Still the 6mp? Do you feel better or worst on it and did they do a TPMT before they gave it to you?

Did you feel better on the prednisone?

Things CAN get better. It's just finding the treatment option that is best for you. As you're very early in your diagnosis, you may also want to follow and read up on the link in my signature.

All my best to you.
Awww! Thank you David! I just stopped prednisone last week. I've been sicker since. Anyway, thanks. This is gonna help. Yes, I'm on 6MP, sulfasalazine, immodium, blood pressure meds, and I started Zoloft this week. I guess, since it's new, I'm really wound up! I have hydrocodone for abdominal pain and ankle pain. There's another weird thing! My ankles and feet hurt. I can't sleep at night and I'm so fatigued all day, I'm useless. I guess I'm lucky I didn't get it going until my 50's, lol. Y'all are tough! Now I have to figure that out!
My ankles and feet bones hurt. Plus my skin gets very sting-ey, and I can feel every thread! And I buy good sheets, lol!J Just abunch of weird stuff! Came on here, and saw lotsof people with ismilar symptoms. I've been feeling very weird! At least I realize I'm not alone. I wouldn't wish this on anybody though!
I suggest you ask your doctor to test your vitamin B12 level. It's a very common deficiency in people with Crohn's and I suspect you may have it.
Hi Allison. First off, it can get better. The early stages are really tough. Sending you my support and best wishes.
David, thank you so much. I had aVitamin B-12 injection left. I had to have 1/2 my stomach taken out, and was given them then. I feel better today, so thanks. Funny, I had asked my Crohn's guy about them, and he was very dismissive. I am still going to my colo-rectal surgeon. But anyway, thanks again. I'm not really a "support group" type person, but this has me bamboozled! I really appreciate the help, and reading others' stories has really helped me!
Hi Allison, I'm one of those people who fell between the cracks too many times, hence my name on the forums. One reason maybe is my instincts are too good and I've been taking mega B12 for a long time. If they get balky on you about it and it helps you, there are high dose sublinguals of the methyl form. I like the Jarrow one, they have a 5000 mcg one I just chew a bit and allow to dissolve under my tongue every morning. I used to do it just "for energy" before anything was wrong... When I foolishly became a vegan, for example. The methyl form is the one your body uses directly, so no need for digestion. Hope that helps a bit.
You're welcome Allison. I STRONGLY recommend that you have your vitamin B12 level tested regularly and optimize your dose over time based upon those readings. If your Crohn's guy was dismissive about the significance of B12 in Crohn's disease, then he's not a very good Crohn's guy.

Here is an article by one of our expert IBD doctors on B12: -- she mentions yearly testing. However, until you figure out your optimal dose interval, I would recommend monthly testing for you (it's not expensive). It's that important.
I just figured out how to come back here. Thanks David. I will definitely ask for the test. I think I should have one to check my wbc's too, since I'm on the 6MP now, at least as I have been able to decipher from internet and this forum. I will make an appointment soon. I'm pooped, literally and figuratively, lol, so everything has slowed down. I did garden an hour today, so I feel a little better in my head, at least. I hope you are having a great day.
I'm still figuring my way around, but I wanted to thank Dave, or DJW, and Too many Bum Steers for your support and good advice. I'm having a flare now, but I had a couple of bites of beans, (what was I thinking???), so hopefully will settle back to just nausea, diarrhea, fatigue and abdominal pain soon, lol! You know, I've been on the 6MP for almost 3 months now, and haven't had a blood test. I'm calling my Dr. today tho. The more I read, the more I realize, I have had a very haphazard treatment plan. Maybe things will get better. I am wishing all of you a lovely day or evening!