Bile salt

Ok what the heck am I doing wrong or eating wrong or maybe thats not what I have? For me its lightish tan yellowish and burns like hell Its like pouring rubbing alcohol on an open wound and than lighting a match on top of it.! What causes it do you Know this way maybe I can fiqure something out because I'm really sick of this.
You should check into Questran, which is a med that you take to bind up the bile salts. Ask your GI about it.
Mine doesn't come from eating or doing anything wrong, it's just part of my disease.
Thanks bunches Farm and Popcorn !!! Just having a bad day again !!! Guess an other question for my doc. come March thank you. Or I might just call sooner. Need to calm down a bit first , I hate these pred. and maybe I won't be so crabby
later. Hopeing for five good days in a row not there yet! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The way to check is to ask for a bile salts test.

I had one pre diagnosis. Basically its nuclear medicine. You swallow a bile salts capsule that is tagged and have a scan pre taking it. Then exactly to the hour and day 1 week later you have another scan. Nothing else.

From that test alone my GI suspected crohns. You apparently reabsorb something like 27% of your bile salts in your terminal ileum and I was only reabsorbing 3%. My GI said he knew immediately where to look minutes before my first scope when we discussed the results.

Another thought is bile salts help in the aspect of cholesterol levels in the body. My cholesterol has been extremely low for years and no one could tell me why. Now my GI knows about my bile salts he could explain why my cholesterol was so low!

I also discovered that if you have low cholesterol levels in your body fat you dont convert sunlight on your skin to Vit D which is needed to help absorb calcium! Guess what? My Vit D levels have to be monitored to as my calcium and vit tablets werent being absorbed either LOL

Hope what I have said makes some sense!! All info can be confusing at times. It took me a while to get my head round all of the above.

Just thought I would throw my thoughts out there..
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Farm found out I was taking cholesstyranime nasty orange pwder stuff didn't know that was questran this new GI told me to stop taking it. I really need to fiqure out how to post what i take or took on my posts like some of you guys it would make things easyer for me plus how to take a older thread and qoute from it when you drag it down.

Soup thank you very much I will ask GI ! I only saw my new GI once and he might think I'm nutts with all these new questions I think I'm going nutts anyways on pred. I just hope my hubby doesn't walk out on me lol. sorry for spelling no patience. I also read up on IBS, IBD,COLITIS,ULCERATIVE COLITIS,CROHNS,PROCTITC, PLUS LOTS OF THREADS AND missed DX etc. I don't know what the heck I have for sure . old scope says ( no abnormalities were seen in ileum in the distal sigmoid colon severe segmental inflam, with edema ,granularity, friability and spasm was seen extending 10cm to 30 cm from anal verge. Internal hemor. and proximal ascending colon to mid transverse colon, an abnormalitity was noted . Nonspecific colitis noted with areas of altered vascular pattern.) so what the heck just sounds like inflamation to me . I'm so confussed I know I don't have anything as bad as most of you all but sure would like for the bms to slow down well today and yesterday good days. So how can they say Nonspecific colitis and maybe I only have IBS and shouldn't be on all this medicine .
Sorry forgot to add what the heck does an abnormality was noted suposta mean and they Both mentioned radaition damage. sorry for ranting ,I hate pred. Plus I'm really sorry I didnt agree to new scope before starting pred.
pain in the butt said:
Farm found out I was taking cholesstyranime nasty orange pwder stuff didn't know that was questran this new GI told me to stop taking it. I really need to fiqure out how to post what i take or took on my posts like some of you guys it would make things easyer for me plus how to take a older thread and qoute from it when you drag it down.

Soup thank you very much I will ask GI ! I only saw my new GI once and he might think I'm nutts with all these new questions I think I'm going nutts anyways on pred. I just hope my hubby doesn't walk out on me lol. sorry for spelling no patience. I also read up on IBS, IBD,COLITIS,ULCERATIVE COLITIS,CROHNS,PROCTITC, PLUS LOTS OF THREADS AND missed DX etc. I don't know what the heck I have for sure . old scope says ( no abnormalities were seen in ileum in the distal sigmoid colon severe segmental inflam, with edema ,granularity, friability and spasm was seen extending 10cm to 30 cm from anal verge. Internal hemor. and proximal ascending colon to mid transverse colon, an abnormalitity was noted . Nonspecific colitis noted with areas of altered vascular pattern.) so what the heck just sounds like inflamation to me . I'm so confussed I know I don't have anything as bad as most of you all but sure would like for the bms to slow down well today and yesterday good days. So how can they say Nonspecific colitis and maybe I only have IBS and shouldn't be on all this medicine .

All right, gonna throw my hat in the ring as well.

Try getting your gallbladder checked out.

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