Bumps in right armpit

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Dec 4, 2010
hi ya'll

I know I'm new, but I have a question. For the past two weeks in my right armpit I have had two bumps. They dont hurt or anything but make shaving impossible. I checked them this morning and now I have three of them. They still dont hurt but one of them have gotten bigger. Also I am in the middle of a huge flare (hoping that humara helps that part, when I get to start it). What I am wondering is swollen glands normal for Crohns flare's. I've had Crohns for a while, was just newly diagnosed but I have never had this under my arm before. Now I have had the whole ingrown hair thing, and I have had pimples but this is different than those. Any help would be appreciated very much.

Thank you in advance.
I would get that checked out before I started Humira, usually nodes/glands being swelled up is a sign of infection or inflammation if its infection you should have it cleared up before starting Humira.
I have not had the glands in my armpit swell but I have had the ones on my neck and behind my ears swell when I have a chemical allergic reaction. I would make a call in the morning to your doc just to be sure whats going on.
I have had swollen lymph nodes before, it is usually a sign of infection, and if you have an infection the Humira is not going to work, so I would def call your doctor before starting Humira just to make sure. You may need a round of antibiotics first.

hope it goes well.
I don't think it has anything to do with your condition, but maybe something to do with your medication? Be sure to get that checked up and keep us updated!

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