Hi there! I am a 15 year old male. I have Crohn's Colitis. I began on just the remicade when all other meds didn't work. I skipped trying the methotrexate because of the side effects. The remicade worked wonders! After a few months, I had a colonoscopy, and It showed I had a slight narrowing of my colon. I was put on methotrexate with remicade to stop that, and it worked great!!!!! I do the injections because it has a LOT less side effects than the pills...and trust me, the injection is a breeze! :ybiggrin: methotrexate works hand in hand with the remicade, because it prevents the body from developing antibodies to the remicade. if that happens, the remicade can't work anymore, and you DON"T want that. Anyway, just make sure to take folic acid when you are on the methotrexate, and you will be fine! The only side effects I ever experienced was just some tiredness and light nausea and a headache. Best wishes!!!!