Hi folks! New to here, but not new to forums, or Crohn's or UC.
I've been taking Lialda 4 x 1.2G pills for over 10 years now. They used to work, but I'm not sure they are doing anything anymore since I'm now also on Remicade infusions. But that's for another discussion - and, besides, my GI doc says to keep taking them.
I get my 90 day supply of Lialda via Express Scripts mail delivery and inevitably, there will be 1 or 2 tablets in each bottle where the outer shell has chipped, exposing the pill's payload, if you will, as seen by this pic.

It is my understanding the thick shell for these pills is there to ensure our stomach acids and other digestive processes going on in our guts do not dissolve this outer shell prematurely until the pills get down to the UC/Crohn's affected area. For that reason (and the uncertainty of what mesalamine would do to my stomach lining), I always throw those chipped pills away. I estimate since I started taking these pills, I have probably thrown in the trash, close to a full 90 day supply.
These pills are not cheap and while I am fortunate to have good insurance, I wonder if this chipped pill issue is widespread, if everyone else is throwing them away too, and if that waste is artificially and unnecessarily raising the cost of this medicine for everyone?
I am sure the pill manufacturers are not complaining. They get to sell more pills.
I contacted Express Scripts and suggested they stuff the free space in the bottles with cotton to help minimize bouncing around and chipping during transport. I got some canned/scripted reply that really didn't apply, and needless to say, no cotton and I am still getting chipped pills.
So just wondering if you get chipped pills too, and what do you do with them? Do you still take them or do you toss them?
I've been taking Lialda 4 x 1.2G pills for over 10 years now. They used to work, but I'm not sure they are doing anything anymore since I'm now also on Remicade infusions. But that's for another discussion - and, besides, my GI doc says to keep taking them.
I get my 90 day supply of Lialda via Express Scripts mail delivery and inevitably, there will be 1 or 2 tablets in each bottle where the outer shell has chipped, exposing the pill's payload, if you will, as seen by this pic.

It is my understanding the thick shell for these pills is there to ensure our stomach acids and other digestive processes going on in our guts do not dissolve this outer shell prematurely until the pills get down to the UC/Crohn's affected area. For that reason (and the uncertainty of what mesalamine would do to my stomach lining), I always throw those chipped pills away. I estimate since I started taking these pills, I have probably thrown in the trash, close to a full 90 day supply.
These pills are not cheap and while I am fortunate to have good insurance, I wonder if this chipped pill issue is widespread, if everyone else is throwing them away too, and if that waste is artificially and unnecessarily raising the cost of this medicine for everyone?
I am sure the pill manufacturers are not complaining. They get to sell more pills.
I contacted Express Scripts and suggested they stuff the free space in the bottles with cotton to help minimize bouncing around and chipping during transport. I got some canned/scripted reply that really didn't apply, and needless to say, no cotton and I am still getting chipped pills.
So just wondering if you get chipped pills too, and what do you do with them? Do you still take them or do you toss them?