Christmas Eve, my car was lost, later found

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Apr 1, 2018
On Christmas Eve, I was so excited, I got to a Denver Bronco Game. My good cousin gave me two free tickets. I had a friend who bailed at the last minute. Luckily, I met a nice young lady near the gate and told her, "I have an extra seat I will trade you if you buy my a Sprite soda. We had a wonderful time. She was from New England and came to see her Patriots play. I have lived in Boston and Rhode Island, so we had a lot to talk about. There were a few other New England Fans around. It was fun game and the Patriots pulled it off in the last 7 seconds. Her joy and the others was nice, even though Bronco fans were down. I have been a Bronco fan since I was born, my dad and I had season tickets for a few years. The girl and I walked out together and parted as new friends, exchanging phone numbers, she is looking for a job and I offered my cousin as a resource.

I went to find my car. I was so excited to get to the game an after being shocked by $60 parking, I was excited to find a $30 lot. I ran out of my car with others to try and get to the stadium before the start of the game. I did not know were I parked, my excitement got the best of me.

I walked around until 4:30 AM trying to find my car. I completely wore myself down after 12 miles of walking. My phone battery was dead, I was as weak as I have ever been out in public. I needed to empty my ileostomy bag and the spout at the end was frozen. So I tucked it my paints to warm it. Luckily I did not over flow before I was able to empty. I pleaded for help, even a security person at the stadium refused to help me call fo an Uber. Luckily I found an open Denny's. I barely got up the stairs, shaking and thinking I was on my way to another stay in the hospital. nearly collapsing in the doorway. A kind waitress got my phone charged. I had a scrambled egg and toast with hot tea. I called for an Uber and got safely home.

After not enough hours of sleep, I took an Uber to a family Christmas party which was wonderful. My cousin drove me around for another two hours and no luck finding my car. After going home, I scoured google maps and the next day, thought I found it and again used Uber. Three more hours of walking and I was at my ends wit and went back to the Denny's, exhausted, but not as bad as before. I got home, and slept another night.

The next day I put an ad on Craigslist Community page. It got taken down three times for reasons I could not fathom. The 4th time I got it up ad the next day, someone found my car and I got it back, all safe. I have lost a few things in my life, but never a car. It was a crazy and almost deadly set of circumstances. If the Denny's was not there, I am not sure I would have made it threw the night, alone in the freezing weather. 386 days in the hospital the last 6 years and I think I may have lost more than just the time.

I am now friends with the guy and his wife who fond my car. I made a great lasagna and took to them last night. That made me feel very good. Now I am about to go to bed and say my prayers. I hope 2024 is a great year for us all, as we find new ways to get healthy.
Wow, that's quite the event. It sounds like a nightmare! I've had dreams where I couldn't find my car but this was for real. I'm glad things worked out in the end, although you did suffer through it, but you made some new friends as well. Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing your story.
It reminds me of when I got my first car. I had just gotten my driver's license and went to a large shopping mall and did not pay attention to where I had parked, this was back in the 1970's. I came out of the mall and then realized my troubles. I had to walk all the way around the mall shopping lots before I finally located it. It was a lesson I learned well, and its never happened again.
Wow what an ordeal!!

I’ve noticed with my iPhone, it knows when I’m driving and will actually send me a notification with my vehicle location automatically when I park. Usually at least, not 100% of the time and I hope I don’t have to use it.

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