Chronic Diarrhea question

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Sep 23, 2009
For those of you with chronic diarrhea do you find that nothing you eat helps or are you just avoiding those foods.

I have had non stop diarrhea for months but now am eating more fiber and finding stools keep fluctuating.
Have you checked out the psyllium husk thread? At first I was hesitant but that stuff works miracles
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nogutsnoglory. You didn't reply to my suggestion so have you already tried the psyllium?
Is the diet helping at all? You may just need to give it some more time. What do you mean by stools are fluctuating?
I have liquid stool 90% of the time. Nothing really helps. Even when I stop eating and use supplements only I'm still liquid. Seems my body has a mind of it's own,

One day I'm hard and then for 3 months I'm liquid.

I thought it was just me.
My daughter had the same issues and her way of dealing with it was to plan her eating around her day. It didn't solve the diarrhoea issue, it just mean't she wasn't running to the toilet when she was out. It was successful in that respect but overall was a failure.

The psyllium husk thread is mine. It was a godsend for her and it literally allowed her to lead a normal life. She has modified her diet and found that a vegetarian diet suited her. She has taken that further, vegan and now raw vegan but I don't know how necessary, as such, these last two moves have been. I think perhaps they are more choice than necessity. The things she has never been able to tolerate, even now, since her surgery is oils. It doesn't matter the type of oil, it will always have her bolting to the loo.

Dusty. xxx
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I have had chronic d for over 6 years. I have not found anything to help. I have tried various diets, psyllium husk, and a few other things. I have not been getting proper treatment so I hope that is why I'm so messed up. Right now I am on the low residue/ low fiber diet and it seems to not make me as nauseas. But I still got the poopsies. Keep us updated on anything that helps. I am willing to try just about anything. I hate the massive bathroom trips.
I would definitely try the pysllium husks, i have been on them for nearly 2 weeks now and i am finding a huge difference. i shake them over my cereal in the morning. also research foods that take longer to go through your digestive system. But also you might need to go back to your doctor are you on any medications?
Oh wow..I have the same problem!i have tried various diets which haven't really helped at all. I even get diarrhea with fluids. The only time it slows down is when my intake slows down. I'm tolerant of lomotil or immodium.. I have just begun a very low dose of questran as the full dose causes partial obstructions. I have bile salt dumping with diarrhea which burns like fire!so hopefully the questran will help with IS slowing after my recent hosptial stay and treatment with an antibiotic and the very low dose of questran. Hoping I don't get completely bunged up from it though.
I've heard bentonite clay sometimes helps too. There's a formula u can get in health food stores called sonne#3..I used it years ago for a detox before I was diagnosed and it was pretty also starting on a potent probiotic called vsl#3 and I'm hoping that helps too. I was at a point that my quality of life was so bad I was rooting for an ileostomy!its still not completely out of the picture for me!
Hope you find something that helps!oh!i did try pasta as I read in the stoma forum it slows down diarrhea for people with an ileostomy. Carbs aren't great for me but it did slow down the d a bit!
I have struggled with chronic D as well, the pred help with pain and other symptoms but not the loose bms. I've been taking psyllium husk again for exactly a week after being off it for a long time (I could never find the right time to take it regularly when I was taking meds several times a day). I've seen such a massive improvement already, I still go several times a day but it is always solid and not painful at all! It did cause a bit of gas and bloating for the first 2 days but now it's fine. I take all my meds in the morning and have a teaspoon of psyllium with water after dinner - I find it also helps curb my pred appetite at night. :)
Psyllium husk is a grain? and im paleo but I think psyllium seed powder is safe and ok. My stools seem to be changing since I added more soluble fiber.