Chrons or Ulcerative colitis?

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I need help.

My wife has just come back from the resuts of her biopsy .. from a colonoscopy she had a few weeks ago. She has cealiacs disease .. and was thinking because of the lifelong chrons like symptoms shes been having that she may as well .. at age 26 .. get it checked out.

Now the doctor says that there are ulcers in her rectum .. but thinks it might be UC, others who were performing the procedure think its CD. I dont give a ******* what it is .. im just concerned about my wife.

As I understand there is a cancer risk involved with both. I dont care about discomfort or .. whatever .. the only thing that matters to me is her continued health and existience .. how bad is the cancer risk and am i freaking out for no reason?
Try not to worry to much about cancer. There is a greater risk factor but if she gets treatment and eats properly with a lot of antioxidants then it should make this factor go down. It also seems that it takes forever to get diagnosed with this disease.

I hope this helps a little.
thank you for the support. Im very very very mental (ly retarded) .. and cant stop thinking about something once ive gotten paranoid about it.

So if she has chrons what does this mean more specifically for the diet? We already suffer enough with both of us being cealiacs and not being able to eat wheat.
Well it really depends. People get different reactions to different foods so she really should keep a journal of everything that she eats and what each does to her. Try not to eat too much refined foods and just try to stay healthy. Keeping active helps a lot as well and keeps depression down if that happens.

Best of luck
I would not worry too much about the slightly increased cancer risk. As Jeff mentioned a good diet will go a long way to keeping healthy.

Vitamin D is an important cancer preventative and with Crohn's or UC the need to supplement is even more important.

I do not know how you can get along with the Celiacs diet. I tried this for awhile and it is nearly impossible. The rule seemed to be : If it tastes good you have to spit it out.

I wonder if the new diagnosis could change the Celiacs diagnosis?

In another words, is it possible her Celiacs diagnosis was wrong and she had Crohn's or UC all along?

D Bergy
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There is a slight increase in cancer risk but this is one of many factors and not even close to the largest. Eating a healthy diet and not smoking are much more prominent factors. Regular surveillance is also important.

Biopsy results are usually pretty definitive in diagnosing Celiac Disease. The damage done by Celiac Disease is pretty distinctive. However, Celiac is a condition of the small intestine. It does not affect the colon or rectum.

Crohn's Disease of the colon (Crohn's Colitis) and Ulcerative Colitis are distinct conditions but they can be tricky to tell apart sometimes.
leviathan1776 said:
thank you for the support. Im very very very mental (ly retarded) .. and cant stop thinking about something once ive gotten paranoid about it.

So if she has chrons what does this mean more specifically for the diet? We already suffer enough with both of us being cealiacs and not being able to eat wheat.

Someone you love is ill and you are concerned for her. I wouldn't expect anything else.

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