Constipation- help!

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May 23, 2014
starting a new job tomorrow and I have had the worst constipation for the last 3 days. I feel so awful and uncomfortable! Has anyone any advice on how I can make myself feel better? Worried to take laxatives in case i get the opposite!
Personally I'd rather have diarrhea than constipation, however both are just as bad. To get rid of the problem definitely a laxative but I'd wait to see if your bowels can move on there own.

How long you been constipated?
I have this problem since i started steroids. I spoke to my IBD nurse and he gave me stuff called laxido? It just makes it easier to go but it isnt harsh if you understand what i mean? And this probably sounds silly but a good hot cup of tea in the morning quite often helps me lol.
3 days now, i know it doesn't seem that long but i am in agony! I don't really have time to go to the doctor due to starting the new job so hopefully if i watch my diet things might get better. I'm worried i might have an obstruction but don't think i am in enough pain for that (never had one before as I'm recently diagnosed and also on prednisone at the moment).
i usually try the tea and that does help but nothing this time! i may try a black coffee tomorrow and hope for the best! Funny that you say it is happening you on the steroids also... might have to ring the doctor tomorrow
Laxido is that orange stuff? and it's really good, took me about 2/3 sachets before I seen results lol. Basically just dissolves the obstruction making it easier to shift it.

Julia, try a couple sachets of laxatives to see if you can get it moving, sometimes the fibre in your diet can be to blame for this, too much and/or too little. It won't be an obstruction just your normal constipation.

Your health comes first! So I'd make the time to visit your GP if you don't go before the weekend.
Its agony when you cant go. Think the longest i went was 5 days. I feel for you. If your really worried go to hospital. Surely they would give you something? Hope you sort it out soon and feel better :)
3 days now, i know it doesn't seem that long but i am in agony! I don't really have time to go to the doctor due to starting the new job so hopefully if i watch my diet things might get better. I'm worried i might have an obstruction but don't think i am in enough pain for that (never had one before as I'm recently diagnosed and also on prednisone at the moment).

If you have an obstruction, your bowel will be distended and/or hard. Cramps like labour pains and eventually vomiting. If it doesn't shift, then you must ring your dr.
okay i don't have nausea so i don't think its an obstruction, just being a bit paranoid. Day 4 tomorrow and I'm really sick of it! Thanks guys for the advice :) people are wondering why i am being in a bad mood because i just feel so uncomfortable!
Just be careful...I've had two partial obstructions within the last couple years - both requiring surgery to remove strictures. My bm's would be anywhere from 5-9 days apart, and I had no vomiting or horrible pain. There was definately discomfort and distention in the belly. Don't shrug it off, get it checked out if it lasts any longer. Going to a liquid diet may help too. Good luck with the new job! Hope you feel better.

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