I was diagnosed with Crohns in 1984 (I had never even heard of it!) Ended up in the E.R. with what they thought was an appendicitis and turned out to be a bowel perforation. 4 hours and 12 in of bowel removal later, I was informed that my life was about to change drastically. I was placed on Azulfidine and advised that I needed B12 injections every 3 months since my ileum was removed (that's the part of your colon that absorbs this necessary vitamin). My diet had to be changed (worst part of this disease) however, after 28 years, and some cheating along the way, I only suffer with occasional flare ups, (diarrhea, cramps, bloating). I am thankful, after reading others stories, that my CD is considered relatively mild as long as I continue taking my meds. I look forward to discussions with all of you as I now have a some questions about this disease and some symptoms that have been worsening.