• Welcome to Crohn's Forum, a support group for people with all forms of IBD. While this community is not a substitute for doctor's advice and we cannot treat or diagnose, we find being able to communicate with others who have IBD is invaluable as we navigate our struggles and celebrate our successes. We invite you to join us.

Crohn's Disease and Fosamax

I have had Crohn's for 30yrs. My Endocrinologist wants to put me on Fosamax for my Osteoporosis When I read the side effects I am very leary of taking it. Reading what it can do to your esophagus why would I want to put this into my digestive tract? Nevermind all the other side-effects. I would appreciate any feedback from anyone taking it and how it is effecting your Crohn's and gastro side effects. Thank you in advance