(Not so) hillarious story!
I've had sores in my nose for as long as I could remember. I remember picking at them as a child. Come adulthood and it was almost a daily ritual to clear out my nose because I felt so stuffed up - which usually meant removing some kind of scab. Nose was constantly sore but I assumed everyone had that problem - after all we all get bogies, right?
Fast forward to last year and my nose is REALLY sore and I'm getting diagnosed with constant sinusitis. I'm using one of the many prescribed nose sprays, happen to look in the mirror and suddenly realise I can see the tip of the spray out of the OTHER nostril.
The "sinus infection" is no better either - constant pain across my cheekbones and down the sides of my nose from my forehead.
A few experiments with a cotton bud later and yep, there's a hole there. I go to the doctor, tell him, cry a lot and get sent away with more antibiotics. He doesn't either hear or believe me when I say about the hole in my nose.
Anyway, they don't work.
I go back again, hysterical, still mumbling about the cotton bud and this time see a nurse. She declines my invitation for me to show her the hole (lol) but appears so concerned by the state I've worked myself up into (my this point I'm convinced its cancer!) that she refers me urgently.
Turns out I have a deviated septum, the left nostril is blocked and I'm missing a good section of my septum - which is how I've always been able to breathe okay (the hole allowed better airflow) He's concerned some kind of tumour has blocked the left side and so I get CT's and MRI's. All clear.
Then I'm tested for waegners grandumatosis - which is apparently more common once you have one AI disease (I have 3) - biopsy inconclusive - no signs of anything sinister just a perforated septum, blood work negative.
I'm still complaining of the insane pain. Doctor advises I coat the raw edges carefully using a cotton bud and vaseline. At first I'm doing it dozens of times a day, a year of that and I have to do it progressively less - down to maybe twice. Funnily enough, it flares similary to my crohns. Saline washes help too. I have a yearly appointment to make sure my nose isn't going to collapse (saddle nose) but otherwise, they've put it down to either potential crohns sores (very rare occurance but possible), Falling off my bike as a kid and then constantly aggrevating it, or overuse of steroid spray (however I discount this one as the only time I remember using that consistently was after I found the hole!)
I'm SURE it was one of the first signs of impending crohns and that they started off at least, as crohns sores. SO SURE. So those of you pick and aggitate them (and I know how impossible it is not to) try vaseline instead. I've been told that the hole in my nose is too big to close now without doing more harm than good - you don't want to reach this stage!
Weirdly, crohns meds never seemed to make a difference. I guess my recollections of the last 12 years (of having crohns) are mainly of having the hole already there - not of the actual sores themselves.