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Dec 31, 2023
Hi everyone, my son has been doing well. He finished 8 weeks of modulen. Unfortunately a few weeks ago we had a week in high dependency due to a chest infection so he didn’t drink he’s last week. The dietitian weened him back into food over the course of 3 days. We have been going absolutely fine until last week. I noticed he was getting more tired and his energy levels dropped. He started going to the toilet slightly more but not as bad as before (only 2-3 times a day this time round) when I examined his poop there was blood in it. I have been trying to contact the IBD nurses at the hospital and I can’t get though, I’ve called about 20 times a day, left voice mails, emails and no responses. Yesterday he had quite a lot of blood on the tissue and in his poop. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think it’s bad enough to go the the hospital as it’s not pouring out, only comes out when he poops. Or is any blood coming out when you have crohns bad enough to go to the hospital. I just need clear information on what I should do and I can’t get it from anyone. I’ve just been sailing through this past week with guess work.
hopefully one of you guys have some answer for me
I don’t think it’s bad enough to go the the hospital as it’s not pouring out, only comes out when he poops. Or is any blood coming out when you have crohns bad enough to go to the hospital. I just need clear information on what I should do and I can’t get it from anyone.

All blood in the stool is concerning, but as a general rule, a little bit of blood can often look like a lot more than it really is. So if it just consists of occasional bloody streaks on the stool or tissue, and your son does not appear to be pale, weakened, and anemic, you are probably safe to wait until he can get in to see his regular doctor. But if the blood loss is excessive - "pouring out" as you say, then it's time to head to the hospital emergency room.
Thank you for your response. It’s not streaks of blood it’s fresh red and if you was to cut your finger and let it drip on tissue it’s about 8-10 drips of blood mixed in with small blood clots and then also in the poo in the toilet. He is already anemic but only slightly from his last blood test on January 20th. So it’s a just ***** and see if I think it’s to much situation
As mentioned, don't let it go too long. But another thing to consider is when you go to the bathroom and "wipe more" sometimes sores develop which bleed. Ive had this happen numerous times over the years. If it's drops in the water as well as bright red on the TP then it's most likely a sore that's popped. Like I said... always happened to me when toilet frequency was high. Just something to think about...