Hey everyone,
I posted here about 10 year's ago because the doctors thought I had crohn's but couldn't find anything, well not much changed I never got diagnosed with crohns and just thought it was ibs so I have just been trying to ignore my stomach and treat the symptoms for most of the time.
I did have a pill cam in 2018 because I'm always low on vitamins but that was all clear too.
Anyway this is where the story gets interesting/confusing.
One Sunday in June this year I suddenly got very bad pain in my lower right stomach, felt sick and had a bit on a temperature, I saw a doctor who sent me straight to hospital for appendicitis, they tested my crp which was high so they took my appendix out.
I haven't had pain that bad since then but I still get rightsided stomach pain and diareaha around 6/7 times a day most days.
Then last week the surgeon who did my surgery called me to say that when he removed my appendix it wasn't infected but was ulcered so he sent it to histology who confirmed it showed signs of crohns disease. He wants me to have a colonoscopy to confirm but is very confident that I have it.
So now I'm really confused, I was so sure I didn't have crohn's and suddenly im being tested for it again when I didn't even mention my symptoms.
I can't see how it's possible considering the pill cam.
Has anyone else had an experience like this?
I posted here about 10 year's ago because the doctors thought I had crohn's but couldn't find anything, well not much changed I never got diagnosed with crohns and just thought it was ibs so I have just been trying to ignore my stomach and treat the symptoms for most of the time.
I did have a pill cam in 2018 because I'm always low on vitamins but that was all clear too.
Anyway this is where the story gets interesting/confusing.
One Sunday in June this year I suddenly got very bad pain in my lower right stomach, felt sick and had a bit on a temperature, I saw a doctor who sent me straight to hospital for appendicitis, they tested my crp which was high so they took my appendix out.
I haven't had pain that bad since then but I still get rightsided stomach pain and diareaha around 6/7 times a day most days.
Then last week the surgeon who did my surgery called me to say that when he removed my appendix it wasn't infected but was ulcered so he sent it to histology who confirmed it showed signs of crohns disease. He wants me to have a colonoscopy to confirm but is very confident that I have it.
So now I'm really confused, I was so sure I didn't have crohn's and suddenly im being tested for it again when I didn't even mention my symptoms.
I can't see how it's possible considering the pill cam.
Has anyone else had an experience like this?