Ever since i started having infliximab I've noticed i've had a fast heart rate. 100 bpm at rest. In the first month i had a few episodes of Fast Atrial Fibrillation Fast AF.
Has this happended to anyone else?
It could be a coincidence or something else as i was also started on Hydrocortizone just before the infliximiab was started. Docs reckoned it might just be my body reacting to the fact i am fighting crohns. Also suggested it was the steroids. But after dropping the steroids it continued since for another 11 months until the current day.
Has this happended to anyone else?
It could be a coincidence or something else as i was also started on Hydrocortizone just before the infliximiab was started. Docs reckoned it might just be my body reacting to the fact i am fighting crohns. Also suggested it was the steroids. But after dropping the steroids it continued since for another 11 months until the current day.