I have been doing some version of SCD/GAPS/autoimmune paleo for nearly a year and a half with NO relief. I have fistulizing Crohns that hasn't been totally active but definitely nowhere near healed or in remission. I have tried to stay off the big gun drugs because I believe in these diets. But I've literally felt no relief. I've tweaked everything I've read about. Cut eggs. Cut nuts and seeds and nut butters and flours. I've tried intro diets. The only thing I've ever actually noticed is that gluten definitely makes me worse. I've been gluten free for years and will continue to be. But I'm kind of at my wits end. I'm so so tired of all the effort that goes into these diets while not seeing any results from them. I feel like all I ever read are stories of people getting insanely better or people just quitting the diets. I've never read of another person trying and trying for over a year and seeing no improvement. Am I the only one? What do I do? It's so hard to imagine going back to normal healthy eating when the paleo/WAPF logic has been so drilled into me (and I do believe it!) but I feel like it's just causing me more stress and not getting me any better. Any thoughts?