Do I quit my job to recover from flare up?

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Mar 12, 2011
Hi all,

Im new to this forum and could really do with some advice. I was diagnosed with crohns disease in December 2009 after a long battle with illness for 5 years, where I weighed 9 stone (at 6 foot tall) and had been vomiting after each meal. I took this as a positive note however as I finally knew what was wrong. I was started off on prednisalone 40mg and through azathiaprine 125mg, prednisalone and some 4 infliximab infusions (temporarily covered by my insurance) and honestly felt really good by the end of 2010. I had put my career on hold till I was better and got a job as a trainee accountant starting in january. Unfortunately I became really ill with gastroenteritus and food poisoning over xmas so postponed my new job to start on 31st january. The first month went fine but was hospitalised on 1st march 2011 getting discharged on the 7th. I then tried to go back to work on wednesday but had to have friday off after vomiting again with stomach pains, went to the doctors and was signed off work for next week. I have an MRI booked for the 24th march and am on 30mg of prednisalone and azathiaprine has been increased to 150mg.

The trouble is im getting stressed out of having this much time off after such a short amount of time, feel run down and i'm meant to be starting exams etc next month and so i'm not sure whether i should quit, get this crohns sorted in terms of adequate medication (hoping to be put on nhs infliximab infusions) and then look for job in 3-6 months plus when im fully recovered. Also I know it sounds silly but since i've been working there for such a small amount of time I can tell they are becoming increasingly unsympathetic to what i'm going through, which makes going back to work stressful also.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, i've had a really horrible 2011 and just feel like i've nothing left in the tank at the moment and would rather take some time out and recover rather than risk my long term health.
Hi and I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through :(

Stressing about work will not aid your recovery at all and as you have only started there recently I think your best option would be to try to talk with them.

I don't think you should quit, it's not your fault, and neither is it your new company's however, they may well have a duty to you. I think it would be wise for you to give yourself some time to get well. That may mean working part time, having disability leave whatever is appropriate for you from a benefit or legal point of view.

By all means study some accountancy at home perhaps while you have your feet up but I wouldn't suggest taking on the worry of exams just yet.

May I ask which country you are in ?

I don't have Crohn's, I have UC and I'm in the UK so you may benefit from the advice of some others.
I hope things improve for you and take care of yourself
Hi there.

Sorry to hear about what your going through. I kinda have been going through the same thing. Ive been going through a huge flare up, where i am either in pain, or I am stuck in the bathroom. I currently had to drop out of all but one class in the university I am attending in order to deal with this flare up and get better. My suggestion is to do what you think you can handle, and what is going to be best for you. If taking time off is going to make you a better employee in the long run then go for it, if you think you can handle part time that do it. I can only handle one class at this moment..and even then I have help with note taking and have other arrangements that I can do things from home and send in via email if need be. Not sure if your employees know your condition or if you want them to know, because perhaps you can make some sort of alternat working arrangment. But Honestly YOU need to do whats best for YOU and whats going to help you out most in the end. I wish you nothing but the best of luck and a speedy recovery from your flare up.
Hi guys,
Thanks for the quick reply. Im also from the UK.
Its quite a tricky situation really, I don't really think part time is an option. Its a graduate programme, with quite an intensive structure. I am meant to be taking 6 exams before July and live between 1 and 1.5 hours from work so I just think that my body won't be able to cope with 12-14 hours a day of work and studying and guess that long term it might be better to concentrate on getting better, and finding something a little bit more local with less stress as the one thing I have learnt from this illness is being well and having a good quality of life is the most important thing.
I'm lucky enough that my parents are very understanding and live at home so the financial implications of giving up work until i'm better will be ok. I just wanted to know if anyone else has changed jobs in order to deal with the disease? I know it might seem like a rash decision if I was to quit work but I feel so tired, ill and stressed out it just seems like I need to rest and recuperate without thinking about work and everything else.
Hi Fowler and welcome!

If you can swing it, financially and otherwise, I would always air on the side of caution. Take care of yourself now, or things could really be tons worse later on.

Take the time off if you can. You need to get yourself better so you can lead a healthy life.

Good luck! - Amy
Hi - I know this is an old thread, but just wondering what you decided to do in the end? I'm in a similar situation (not a grad job, but a relatively new one) and am suffering so much - just sitting at my desk hurts! Some time off would be great, but don't know if I want to go to the lengths of quitting - as that in itself would be stressful (ie not knowing how easily I'll get a job when ready, and managing until then).
You could speak to your boss, see if they can accomodate some changes to your schedule. Last year I went part time (mornings only) for a few months, and it made a huge difference. I was struggling with fatigue and depression at the time. Going part time meant I was able to rest each afternoon and generally 'get myself together'.
Sorry I never replied, thanks for your reply! I was really unwell for a while leading up to my post, but after I posted I started the SCD and within days saw an improvement! Between that and remicade I've been doing great. Slight return of symptoms this past week, will try going back to intro diet to see how that helps. Agree though, what I would LOVE is to work part time :) I'm on a contract though, so that's not going to be an option at the moment. My energy atm is great though, and gone from 10+ BM a day to 1 (until last week when it snuck back up to 4), so thankfully am managing fine! Next mission... pregnanacy after 3 years TTC...
Hi. I was diagnosed with CD when I was part way through my training contract as a solicitor. My company were very understanding and I'm glad I saw it through. Best thing you can do is speak to them, explain the circumstances and I'm sure they will understand. I was in hospital for 3 months during my training and the managing partner came visiting me!! Speak to them but don't worry about it as that will only make things worse. Hope all goes ok.

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