Hi for months iv had problems with my bowels my stopls been lose and bloody i was refered for endoscopy after my stoll and blood test from gp came back normal i went fir endoscopy after waiting weeks and dr doing it says i need full colonoscopy as my bowels and insides were realy inflamed i only had gas and air and found it painful so they took 9. Biopsies and says results take 4 weeks to come back and once they back ill get another app for colonoscopy but with sedation this time so they can look high up but he said it deffo seems like Crohn's or colitis so niw i waiting but i still suffering with bowels and get bad stomach cramps when drink alcohol now so cant drink now people wifg Crohn's gave to change diet as lots of food make them flare up n sore but im ok with most foods i feel exausted a lot so i just confused