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Fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) shows promise for Crohn's sufferers

A fast-mimicking diet where calories are restricted for few days, appears to reverse Crohn’s disease and colitis pathology in mice.

The study was published in the Cell Reports:

In a clinical trial, three FMD cycles reduced markers associated with systemic inflammation. The effect of FMD cycles on microbiota composition, immune cell profile, intestinal stem cell levels and the reversal of pathology associated with IBD in mice, and the anti-inflammatory effects demonstrated in a clinical trial show promise for FMD cycles to ameliorate IBD-associated inflammation in humans.
The diet was created by Dr. Longo who searched to replicate the benefits of fasting while limiting the effects of calorie deprivation.
The diet lasts 5-days. On day one the diet provides approximately 1100 kcal consisting of 10% protein, 56% fat, and 34% carbs. Day 2 to 5 the calorie intake drops to only 700 kcal. It is recommended to repeat the diet 3-12 times a year, depending on your health.


Well-known member
Mice treated with DSS don't accurately mimmick the inflammation seen in crohn's disease, so I would be careful about such studies. The DSS causes mucosal damage and inflammation in those mice, but it's not crohn's disease of course.

Not sure crohn's disease patients should be trying any diets that restrict calories. PCM, protein-calorie malnutrition, is still the main cause of immunodeficiencies in the developing world and leaves people very vulnerable to infections like TB.

The damage malnutrition does to the immune system is well established, the theorethical benefits of fasting are not.
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You are right about the research being just the first step. There are some findings in the document that according to the authors justify testing FMD cycles in randomized clinical trials as a therapy for CD and colitis. Hopefully this research will continue and give us more insight into it's potential benefits.

These results suggest that FMD cycles can reduce systemic inflammation and the associated increase in lymphocyte counts or percentage in both mice and humans. A randomized clinical trial on IBD patients is necessary to test the hypothesis that FMD cycles reduce IBD pathology in humans.
Intermittent fasting has been my go-to when symptoms get bad.

16-8 splits usually do the trick.

I've tried 24 hour fasts before as well.

I wouldn't be able to do this FMD diet as the contents are all foods that will cause flares.
I did the diet three times but noticed no change in my condition. I will keep trying. I like how I have virtually no symptoms after the second day (the diet takes 5 days to complete) as there is almost no food in my system. Too bad we have to eat.

I wouldn't be able to do this FMD diet as the contents are all foods that will cause flares.
I didn't buy the Prolon package but just created my own version using the provided parameters:

10% protein, 56% fat, and 34% carbs
You can just use any food you want as long as the total adds up the above numbers and it is plant based.
I did the diet three times but noticed no change in my condition. I will keep trying. I like how I have virtually no symptoms after the second day (the diet takes 5 days to complete) as there is almost no food in my system. Too bad we have to eat.

I didn't buy the Prolon package but just created my own version using the provided parameters:

You can just use any food you want as long as the total adds up the above numbers and it is plant based.
Plant based is the issue for me. I don't really know of any plant fats I can consume in large enough quantities for that to be safe. Maybe safflower oil?

Oils pretty much all make me sick, as well as green plants, so no avocado.

No nuts, no legumes.

I get most of my fats from fatty fish.