Going to start Remicade

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 18, 2009
I went to the GI doc Thursday. We determined that my Crohn's has spread from my stomach down into my intestines and up to my mouth. The 6-mp worked but only about 50%.

Anyway, I'm back on pred. for 6 weeks and will begin Remicade as soon as we can schedule after the results of my tb test.

I had been in so much denial because I didn't feel that I was that bad until I was med free for about a month and my joints were hurtin so much I could barely move. Even right now, my hands are hurting to type this. This is of course with my stomach pain, nausea, and fatigue so bad that I was almost falling asleep at work.

Sorry about the digression. I'm kind of scared about the remicade. I'm also still somewhat in denial.

I guess I just needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening.

Hi Chelli,
It seems that many people need maintenance drugs. As much as I wish I could be drug free, I am okay if it never happens. I am feeling really good on Remicade, hopefully soon you will too.
Check out the 'Remicade Club' thread if you want to read stories from other people who are on it. Or just do a search for Remicade on here.
Good luck.
Thanks the support. I like this forum,I always seem to get responses. I also belong to another forum and I almost never get any feedback. You guys are all awesome.

I seem to be in a similar situation, I just got taken off azathioprine due to 'unsettled crohn's'. Started bleeding again this weekend and so I imagine I too will be back on the pred or elemental diet for a short while.

Sorry to hear of your troubles though - the spreading of your disease and the joint pain must be a lot to take in. I am thinking of you!

Anyway maybe we might be starting remicade at the same time, as the consultant I spoke with on Tuesday seemed to think it was the direction I'm headed in also. Let us know how you get on?