Had the worst pains.

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I had the worst stomach pains and cramping. I called the on call GI before. I've been having blood in stools again. Tomorrow my GI or the nurse will call me. they call me today cuz I called them.
Leah, hope you are feeling better now.

Does the GI have any idea what is causing your pain.

Let us know what happens ok

On thursday night my pains where so bad that I was crying. and this morning I still have the stomach pains so I called the GI the one that is covering for my doctor cuz my doctor is away for 2 weeks they told me to go to the ER if pains were that bad. I didn't go to the ER but I keep going to the bathroom alot though. My GI is checking me for parasite, white blood cells and something else. I had to do a stool sample. Hopefully someone finds out what is wrong.
Take Care
Best of luck Leah, please keep us informed...I would love nothing more then to hear what the doctor relays to you.