Hi there, some of the meds can leach certain mineral and vitamins out of the body. A couple that seems to come to mind is folic acid B9 and B12. By the way, B9 is not stored in the body and is replaced daily.
Both or either being low can contribute to hair loss, depression, increased d, fatigue, soar swollen tongue, etc.
So ask your Dr. if you need to be checked for being low or if you can properly supplement.
Also as I am sure by now you will know I am going to post a possibly natural remedy. I stumbled on this by chance btw. Organic virgin coconut oil* I use it on my skin everyday and wow it has made a difference, now the added benefit recently noted was I had my hair in a towel and at the front hairline I noticed new hair growth - and much of it.It is currently about 1 1/2 inches long. Since I have been using the coconut oil on my face and I do go to the hairline it made a difference. I have been using the coconut oil for approx. 8 months. I was shocked but pleased. Just a thought for you.
Peace to you