I am at my wits end at the moment. I had my colon removed due to Crohn’s in 2013 and I have a permanent ileostomy. For three years after I was really well but a couple of years ago I started getting symptoms of a flare up. I have had CTE, MRE, ultra sound. Blood tests are normal and Faecal calprotectin normal. There were a few abnormalities on MRE and Ultra sound i.e gall stones and adhesions but none explain the symptoms I am having. My Crohns was missed for 9 years because all lab results came back as normal but my Gastro consultant is adamant it isn’t active Crohn’s because the FC test is normal. Thing is I dont have a lot of faith in these tests and I know the signs of a flare! My abdomen is so tender and painful and I’ve had to go on liquid only diet and take high levels of pain killers. Also my ankle has swollen up which was always a sign that Crohns was active too! Anyone else had a false negative on calprotectin?