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Has anyone tried "Reiki"?

Crohn's 35

Inactive Account
My husband and I get massages done once in a while and our therapist recommended Reiki. "Universal LIfe Force Energy". Has anyone tried it? Did it help? What is your take on it, any help would be appreciate it.

I have had something else done, not a massage but it escapes me at the moment helped a bit but I moved to another area. Acupuncture did nothing so just want some person thoughts on this? :smile:
Strangely, I was just going to ask this same question. I was talking with my yoga instructor about some of the problems I am having and she recommended a Reiki practitioner to me. Another lady in my class has been seeing one as well and has had fabulous results. I did not pry into what her reason for seeing her was, so I'm not sure how physical her issues are. I know she has a bad shoulder, but I'm not sure if that's the reason she is seeing the Reiki "doc". I am considering giving it a go. Honestly, I am not expecting too much. But right now I have a lot going on with my parents' illnesses, my work, and wanting to start a family, so my stress level has been very high. I'm hoping, if nothing else, she can help keep my grounded, which I feel is half the battle.

Please let me know if you decide to give it a go. I am curious about the results.


Reiki is fantastic! My bf's ex does it (and we live with her so I can get it whenever I want). It really helped when I was flaring...got things moving (I was always constipated). It's great for headaches, general body aches, and gives such a sense of well-being when it's done. The thing with it is that you have to want it to work. It's kind of like hypno-therapy. If you don't believe it will work, it won't work. It's incredibly relaxing and if it's really working the person doing it will get very warm hands...that's the energy exchange happening. The first time J did it on me for a brutal headache, her left hand got burning hot! Then she moved it down my neck, shoulder and out my fingertips. My headache was gone! It was absolutely amazing.

I'd recommend giving it a try. And sign up with a Reiki Master to get the best bang for your buck so to speak.
I do not know a lot about this, but I do think it can help offer some temporary relief from pain or some other more minor conditions.

I think it is limited in what it can accomplish, but so is everything else.

I had it done a few times when I had a broken arm. Like Cindy said, her hand got really hot and it is hypnotic. I think it would be good especially if you are looking for something very relaxing. Again, you need a Reiki Master... I thought it was good but I couldn't afford to keep going.
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Crohn's 35

Inactive Account
Thank you all for your insight, I have an appt but it is a long ways away. This lady is sooooooo busy, so I took what I could get. I am game for anything and she will incorperate it with the massage therapy will insurance will cover it. I figure it can't hurt to try, so what have I got to lose? :smile:
I;m a certified reiki Practioner. It is very good for people with Crohns and those who are looking for pain and stress management. I decided to do Reiki when I was certain i would be on pain killers and become addicted. I was in a tremendous amount of pain. I'd also *highly* suggest cranio sacral Therapy. I did some very intense treatment with this. I had psot traumatic stress disorder. I had some other traumas also. Mostly it was grief from the drowning of my nephew and the trauma of my family.
I tend to call these therapies "complimentary" therapies. That is to say it is to be used ina ddiction to other treatment. In my oopinion these therapies just enhance the therapies you are already getting.
My GI was stunned by the change in me. unfortuantely I have got burnt out lately. As a highly senstive energy worker I pick up a lot of energy. Lately is hasn't ben good. It is a life long and daily process. I too often give and give but don't get enough for myself. I am going to have a massage this week. That is a start. Aslo I need to make a point of going to a Practitioner exchange. A great place to give and recieve.
Most of all I am going to head outside for more walks along the river near me. That always invigorates me. I pray for warmer days so I am comfy walking.
Good luck.

Crohn's 35

Inactive Account
Thanks for your input! I have an appt, and it is a ways off, but I am always game for something new. It isn't medicinal so it can't hurt.


It is my understanding that certain people respond better to reiki than others. I guess I was one of those people. I had a reiki treatment once and it really helped when I was having severe heartburn and lower right pain and massive bloating. Woke up feeling great the next day. It was amazing! When the reiki therapist put her hands over my gut, she could sense EXACTLY where the pain was -without my telling her. It really freaked me out!!
Like all energy therapies, acupuncture etc. it can increase your wellbeing to a certain extent but it is not an 'acute' treatment but more of a lifestyle thing. Basically, if you look after your energy, it will look after you.

Don't expect instant miracles healthwise because you won't get them. I did however get a little mini miracle when I was seeing an energy healer (reiki is just a brand of energy healing - they're all coming from the same place) in that I can now feel the energy in my body in certain points. Mostly my hands! That was really inspiring at a time when I was in a bad place with my Crohns and got me into doing Tai Chi (Yoga being the other big energy excercise regimen!) which is great.

So, don't expect miracles but enjoy it and maybe consider an energy excercise on an ongoing basis as this will definitely help over the years.

Good Luck!