N Nattygyp Joined Jan 25, 2023 Messages 3 Jan 25, 2023 #1 Just looking for some things to make dealing with this better
Lisa Adminstrator Staff member Joined Apr 7, 2010 Messages 4,365 Location New York, USA Jan 26, 2023 #2 Hi and welcome to the forum....so you have not been formally diagnosed in all this time? Have you been on any medications to help you? There is a ton of great information on the forum, please do look around and ask away if you have questions~!
Hi and welcome to the forum....so you have not been formally diagnosed in all this time? Have you been on any medications to help you? There is a ton of great information on the forum, please do look around and ask away if you have questions~!
N Nattygyp Joined Jan 25, 2023 Messages 3 Jan 26, 2023 #3 Yes I been struggling all this time on my own I finally got a doctor who agrees that I may have chrons have every symptom I’m on dicyclomine helps my stomach I have good days and bad one depending on the stress
Yes I been struggling all this time on my own I finally got a doctor who agrees that I may have chrons have every symptom I’m on dicyclomine helps my stomach I have good days and bad one depending on the stress