Your questions are those we all ask as individuals, the more we discover, that there are so many different facets to Crohns and how it could, might and does impact on us each in its own way. Alot of us find that we need to learn to listen to our body day to day. Fatigue and exhaustion go hand in hand with poor absorption Robin. If they do discuss surgery the chances are very high you will go into remission and planned surgery is better than emergency surgery I was told by my team a year ago. INFORMATION is EVERYTHING though. So make sure you understand exactly what your team is aiming to achieve and how! Maybe ask them to give you a number on a scale of 1-10 in relation to how severe they feel your crohns is? Its what my gastro consultant did at the start saying mine was a 7.5-8 and started me on treatment very fast. So far I have avoided surgery too.
Take it one step at a time. Keep the rolling ball of gathering information about and for YOU going. You dont say where you are from but a good general site for info that I always give folk is
It was designed by the gastro teams at the hospital I go to here in the UK and is useful for going back time and again for easy answers. I still use it as a memory jogger.
Good you have a book on the way too as the printed page can help too on the reference side. And you have found us here!
Keep posting. Keep taking it one day at a time. Keep asking - be it here or your medics or books etc.
Hope the test goes well! ((hugs))