So. I've been constipated lately due to narcotic pain relievers. I stop taking them every three days to allow myself too have a bowel movement. I was in way too much pain yesterday not to take them, so this is the fourth day instead of the third. I didn't take any this morning and was trying to shit all day. About an hour ago, I decided to take matter into my own hands (literally haha) and manually disimpact myself. I was out of enemas, so this was my only option. I got most of it out, but at the end of it, I noticed something kind of popping out of my anus, and when I touched it, it felt like I was touching my rectum, not poop. I realized that I may have had a rectal prolapse, so I kind of "shoved it back in" and finished up. I called the health line here to speak with a nurse, and she told me that I needed to be in the emergency room within four hours. She said I had most likely injured myself and that I needed to be seen asap. I'm really worried because I know I was feeling a part of myself that had been pushed or pulled out. But at the same time, there was no bleeding, the pain is at a 4, and maybe it was nothing. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? I know most people wouldn't manually disimpact themselves, but I know how to do it, and it needed to be done. I was trying to prevent a blockage and possibly ended up hurting myself more. AAGGHHH