Herbal supplements and vitamens..

GNC Crohn's Man

Sep 2, 2006
If you have a question about them or thier affect with medication I will do my best to answer you.. Granted I'm not a doctor, nurse, or nutrionlist... I just know where to go to look for answers plus I know a lot off the top of my head...

Sometimes I can be compeletly wrong though but generally I'm not and my advice generally works pretty well for most people... No I don't want money.. I also don't want to sell you just GNC stuff (remember kiddies I don't make money off of you unless I'm in my store (GNC 282 Mobile, AL)) and then only if I ring up the transaction... The reason I always say GNC stuff is because I sell these products and I take these products so I can tell you if it just plain sucks or if it may just help a lot...

If you mention a product that is not a GNC product (yes GNC sells non GNC products) then you must give me the following: product name, dosage, pill type or liquid type, kind of pill (tablet, capsule, etc), ingrediants and the dosage of said ingrediants...

Without those things I will have no clue what are talking about if you are trying to talk to me about a specfic product.

A type of product (Fish Oil, Glucusimine/Chondrotien, Flax Seed Oil,) I can answer questions about those...

A processed form of a product I can answer questions on (Glucosumine HCL vs Glucosimine Sulfate for example)

Why do I buy my products from GNC? I get a 30% employee discount that stacks on all sales... So I generally I get my stuff around 45% or so off of the normal price... Plus must all of our products are good quaility products.. Some of the stuff we sell is worthless but for the most part we have above average vitamen and mineral supllments. Some are way above average for their price... But you should come to me to help you sort out all that stuff. Why am I doing this? I'M FREAKIN BORED!!! And I don't need to be running around and lifting and excersing right now because my muscles need a rest... Plus the book I'm reading sucks... I ordered a new one but it won't be in until later... Yes I play consule games too but at least when I type I get to use some small portion of my brain... Did I mention I'm on Valium based drugs to help slow me down from the prednisone highs? Valium drugs slow down your brain and make you stuipd... I'm trying to keep some of my mental edge by typing and/or talking to people... So please ask me questions...

Give me something to do!!!!

My body isn't in good enough shape to return to work but I'm good enough shape to anwser questions about well anything... You ask I'll answer...
My payment is me not being bored and getting killed by my brother and sister in law from driving them up the wall by me bugging them every 5 secs....

I'm not a manager... I'm a sales associate... I know everything the manger knows I just don't have the health right now to be a 40 hour a week store manager... Assisstant Mangerment is what I have been basicly been doing these past two years except without the pay or benefits because I was too stuipd. I let my superiors screw me over and I didn't stand up for myself because I was convencied they were standing up for me.. Well they weren't... But that's a different rant for a different day..

So moral of this story: I'm bored, I like researching, I like helping people solve problems, did I mention I'm bored? So ask me a question any question reguarding herbs, vitamens, or meds... Remember I'm not a professional so you may want to fire some these questions out at your doc that you ask me... It helps to keep them on thier toes ;-)... Remember this advice is free.. Your payment to me is keeping my mind occupied and keeping me from getting dumb from being on valium based drugs... Remember though my typing and grammer skills can sometimes suck big time... It just depends on what mood I'm in and what mental state I'm in as to how I type things up...

Okay bye bye,

Daniel aka GNC Man
So what do you think of digestive enzymes? They've helped me greatly. I can actually drink milk, eat ice cream now...it has lactase in it....breaking down the dairy, I dont have problems with the others, like protein, carbs, or fats, but it does break those down. my stools seemed more formed when using them also.
Digestive enzymes are great I take a product (now discontinued so I'm trying to buy as much of it as I can while it is on super sale) called Super Sports Enzyme... It is basicly for body builders who drink lots of weight gainer drinks... But since my food gnerally consists of lots of carbs/fat/ with some protien it works out great..

I have always been able to drink milk though.... But I don't drink milk like a normal person... I drink 3-4 gallons of whole milk a week... I will drink about 30 oz or so of milk along with a meal several times a day... Even my super digestive enzymes can't handle all that milk and protien..

If I wanted to I could drink a couple of glasses of milk a day with my enzymes no prob.. Or no prob without them... But since my whole body is in a very hair trigger mode right now anything could put me back in the hospital... So I'm trying to follow the low residue diet as best as I can while taking extra digestive enzymes...

Also another thing that helps if you are on acid blocker (not acid reducer) meaning it inhibits the bodies ability to produce certain stomach acids...
An example would be Protonix... This works great to help people like me on high dosages of prednsione...I will literally go from being on a empty stomach to a stomach that is bulging out it is so full... And the only thing in their is stomach acid and bile... With the protonix the regular stomach acid doesn't give me any more problems... BUT I'm still on prednsione so I am always eating... Digestive enzymes are nice and all but they only work at certain ph levels... So if your stomach is to acidic or to basic then those digestive enzymes will not be working very well...

So I also take a supplement that has betaine hydrochloride (pill form of stomach acid) and pepsin... I do this if I feel I'm going to need a lil extra help in digesting this stuff...

But, that raises another problem what if I get to much acid from the pill? My body isn't producing very much more acid because of the protonix but my gut still has enough acid and bile in it to give me heart burn/bad acid reflux (by acid reflux I mean scar your throat acid reflux)...

That's when I found my latest best friend carafate... NO NOT THE PILL! The pill is bad the pill sits in your stomach like a rock and caused me to have blockage when I took it for ulcers when I was younger... Ohhhh no this is a liquid... Carafate (sucralfate) suspesion 1g/10ml... So 10 ml of this is one carafate pill... and since it is in a suspesion it doesn't just sit in my stomach like a rock... It just coats the stomach and when my stomach muscles clench up and acid gets in the back of my throat the sulfacate is thier with the acid... So it coats your throat and stomach from futher acid damage.. That's all it does... It is a very very very non reactive compound... Just don't take it and then take your pills or else the sulfcate coating may stop them from disolving... Best time to take it is 1 hour before a meal or 3 hours after a meal .. So you take your pills you need to take with food 1 hour after you take the sulfacate... Also you take another 10 ml before you go to bed and you will still have acid reflux but sense your throat is now coated with the sulfacate you won;t be getting the acid scaring...

This stuff works great... But just remember IT IS NOT an antiacid or acid reducer... It is just a non reactive compound designed to be non reactive. Meaning it just acts as a buffer between your stomach/throat and all that acid... So your food gets digested since there is plenty of acid in their and your throat doen't burn away due to acid reflux eroison....

Ok that's enough ranting... Time for sleeping pills round 3! FIGHT!

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