I've been experiencing chronic diarrhea, abdominal pains and cramps, spans of reduced appetite, occasional vomiting, and nausea for about 18 months now. All labs results except for ASCA came back normal. P-ANCA negative, and ASCA IgG 52.4 (anything above 24.9 positive), and ASCA IgA 97.8 (anything above 25 positive). No fevers, no skin rashes, no blood in stool.
An endoscopy found an ulcer and duodenitis. Colonoscopy found nodularities on terminal ileum and large amounts of bile in colon. All biopsies negative for crohn's. Could this be beginning stages of crohn's or is this all in my head????? Could you have crohn's but have normal white blood cell and red blood cell counts?
My GI keeps insisting IBS. I've altered diet and keep having symptoms. Any advice on next step or any other tests that could be done? Could this simply be bad IBS?
An endoscopy found an ulcer and duodenitis. Colonoscopy found nodularities on terminal ileum and large amounts of bile in colon. All biopsies negative for crohn's. Could this be beginning stages of crohn's or is this all in my head????? Could you have crohn's but have normal white blood cell and red blood cell counts?
My GI keeps insisting IBS. I've altered diet and keep having symptoms. Any advice on next step or any other tests that could be done? Could this simply be bad IBS?