GNC Crohn's Man
- Joined
- Sep 2, 2006
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- 282
I started ranting in my last post so decided to snip it and move it here..
Another thing about GNC if you shop thier SAVE YOUR RECIEPT DEAR GOD PLEASE... You can bring ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING back within 30 days and they will give you your FULL MONEY back, but it WILL be the SALE price on the reciept that is returned to you... The ONLY time you will have a problem with this is if you try to return the gold card. You can't. It's a non taxable discount program good for one year. It costs a flat fee of $15 but you save 20% off everything you buy that day (including off of sale prices) and 20% off everything you buy the 1-7 of each month (Gold Card Week)...
It will NOT autorenew so after the 12 month exp sticker is used up the card is no good UNLESS you want to renew the card... If you want to renew your old card then keep it so long as your mailing address has not changed... We just have to put a new sticker on it and swipe it through the computer to renew an old card...
Getting a new card you have to fill out a short form that includes Name, address, telephone number. And yes their are boxes to check above where you place your signature if you do not want to recieve junk mail from our third party affiliates... Check the first two boxes.. That way no one will call you and EAS and other people won't send muscle fitness crap...
DO NOT check the last box though... That is the monthly catalogue... Inside of that is a list of various sales at confusing prices... They go ahead and tell you what the item would be with the 20% off from the card and sometimes they include the items with the 20% and that are on bogo sale (buy one get one X off) in the item price under the pitcure... So read all the fine print on these sales... If you have any questions ask me.. I'll know the answer or I can get in touch with someone that does... Also in that catalogue is a coupon... It will be either on the inside front cover or on the inside outside cover... That coupon changes every month depending on your shopping habits... If the coupon says it is useable 1-7 or 1-10 or whatever you can still use that coupon plus, the gold card discount, and you still get the sale price of the item... So long as it is the 1-7 days of the month... Sometimes the coupon is good for the 1st-10th, 1st-14th, 13th-28th, or sometimes it might last all month... Just read the exp date... Our computer will not register the coupon as valid unless it is within thiose dates... I can get around all that and do any damned thing I want to do with the computer system but your typical gnc employ is gonna go duhhhhhhhh hey manager you handle this...
Btw always hand them your GOLD CARD and ALL coupons first... Otherwise if you have a coupon and we have already started the transaction (things are beeping through the big red scanner beam) we have to restart the transaction.. Re do not have to restart the transaction if you only have a gold card... We can scan those through at anytime except until we get to method of payment... Keeps people from getting cash giving a discount and then pocketing the cash themselves..
Btw don't feel bad if you have to re rering your tranaction.. It is as simple as pressing a button and signing a paper and we can then rering the transaction.. We do not have to wait for authorization from managers for anything unless it is a odd request that goes against corprate policy... You can get those over ridden sometimes it just depends on if your a frequent customer and how odd the request is...
Reading your GNC reciept
1) You get the red stickard sale price first (assuming it was regularly on sale)
2)Then I think they use the GNC coupon. A gnc coupon has a code that is valid at all GNC's put out by corprate. You can find GNC coupons in many places or in the mail. Since we get 3% commison on all GNC products they split the discount amount from the coupon between every product you buy by an equal percent. That's why you'll see dollar discount $.55 and $2.50... It all adds up to that set dollar amount you gave us from the coupon.. Sometimes it's an extra percent off but generrally it is a dollar amount off after spending X amount BEFORE the gold card and BOGO sales kick in...
3)Next your bogo's are calculated... That means you buy one get one at X price off. Generally it will be buy one get one 50% off... No we do not run like a grocery store... Our buy one get one sells you actually have to buy the first product in order to get the discount on the second..
4)Your 20% off is now factoried on the subtotal.
5) Remember you don't pay taxes on all those subtotal reductions so if you live in a place like Mobile, Alabama (sales tax here is 9%) it saves you soem extra money...
6) Manufactoriers coupons sometimes Atkins, EAS, or whomever will give you a coupon that is not a GNC coupon.. This coupon will be for a set dollar amount off of some pruduct of thiers... This is treated like cash for the dollar amount of the coupon at the end of the transaction...
7) Returns. Remember if you want to bring something back then SAVE YOUR RECEIPT!!! You have 30 days from the purchase price to return it. Even if you have already opened it and taken some of them we will take them back... The only time we will not take something back is if the bottle is fully empty or the person is returning the bottle way sooner then they should be... (2 pills left person just bought it 5 days ago product is supposed to last 4 weeks). Remember we give you the return price at the sale price you payed for the product at... This will only be a problem if you want to return the Gold Card because as I said it is a $15 flat fee for a one year coupon membership that is tax free.
Also on returns if you buy something during GOLD CARD week and you return it later they are supposed to give you the GOLD CARD discount on any purchases you make the day of that return... You have to remind them of this because as I said most people thier don't know what they are doing...
Also if we do not have a product and it is on sale or gold card week, or on sale and it is also gold card week... We can write you a raincheck for that full discounted price for the next time you come in... A raincheck costs you NOTHING... It is just a coupon for that product at that price and it is good for 1 year after is printed up... So if there's something you want we carry it but we don't have it in stock get a raincheck... As I said it's just a coupon for a year... Where as our sales go up and down every 2 months...
No you do not get a double 20% off by buying a gold card during gold card week... GNC has lots of sales... Pick up a sales flyer they should be at the front of the store... Again 70% of people that work at GNC have no clue what they are doing or what they are helping you with or for... So do not listen to sales person their... He is probably full of crap and just trying to get you to by an item that helps his sells goals or helps him to get more commesion... \
If you want help from them ask them where a certain section or a certain product is.. Never ask them what they think about the product unless they sound like me which is generally never the case.
Sorry about my GNC propganda rant... I work in sales... And I haven't been working much since march of this year... That sales men side pops up soemtimes and it just won't shut off... I really need to get stable so I can go to work... Yes I bug my roommates (my sister-in-law and my brother) about all this stuff and what they should take that would help... But, I would say 75% or more of the people I sell products to are happy with the results they see with them... The other 25% are just taking the product (mainly diet pills because they don't want to exercise and are lazy) without following the instructions that go along with it.. Or that I give to them to go along with it..
I'm hungery and I have been typing way to long....
If this keeps up you'll be able to pull together an online book of all the random crap I keep talking about...
I don't really mean to rant I just don't have anyone to talk to right now...
My brother never wants to hear about medical stuff, Thier (I live with my Brother, sister-in-law, and 3.5 niece) tired from going on vaction, I would have gone on vaction to (DragonCon in Atlanta, GE) but yet of course my crohns' was acting up and I didn't have the strentgh to go... Also I don't have the money to go on vaction... I just have enough money to buy things like food and meds now... And I'm not even paying for that now my parents are.... No I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever going on disability... I hold nothing against anyone that I have not meet... But on my Mom's side is a my uncle (her brother) that draws a check (he is a Dillusional Schizophrenic) and on my Dad's side my aunt (his sister) is also a Parnody Dillusional Schizophrenic.... My aunt fathers side is married her husband draws a for diability... My cousin jackie she is 19 now is probably going to wind up the same...
I will never draw a check everyweek... I would rather die than to be forced to sit at home and do nothing for the rest of my life...
As you can see I'm getting a little stir crazy here and the 2nd dosage of 30 mg prednisone of the day is kicking in... Time for some more adavian before I go from just being hyper to being manic hyper...
Okays I'm forcing myself away from the computer so I can take my adivan and eat something else..
Thanks guys for listening or at least pretending to listen... (Again I live with a 3 year old niece, so I understand if your just pretending to listen to me to keep me happy) No that isn't an insult it is just a commint... I'm just like a kid or puppy that wants attention right now... So give me some attention and I'll wag my tail...
Another thing about GNC if you shop thier SAVE YOUR RECIEPT DEAR GOD PLEASE... You can bring ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING back within 30 days and they will give you your FULL MONEY back, but it WILL be the SALE price on the reciept that is returned to you... The ONLY time you will have a problem with this is if you try to return the gold card. You can't. It's a non taxable discount program good for one year. It costs a flat fee of $15 but you save 20% off everything you buy that day (including off of sale prices) and 20% off everything you buy the 1-7 of each month (Gold Card Week)...
It will NOT autorenew so after the 12 month exp sticker is used up the card is no good UNLESS you want to renew the card... If you want to renew your old card then keep it so long as your mailing address has not changed... We just have to put a new sticker on it and swipe it through the computer to renew an old card...
Getting a new card you have to fill out a short form that includes Name, address, telephone number. And yes their are boxes to check above where you place your signature if you do not want to recieve junk mail from our third party affiliates... Check the first two boxes.. That way no one will call you and EAS and other people won't send muscle fitness crap...
DO NOT check the last box though... That is the monthly catalogue... Inside of that is a list of various sales at confusing prices... They go ahead and tell you what the item would be with the 20% off from the card and sometimes they include the items with the 20% and that are on bogo sale (buy one get one X off) in the item price under the pitcure... So read all the fine print on these sales... If you have any questions ask me.. I'll know the answer or I can get in touch with someone that does... Also in that catalogue is a coupon... It will be either on the inside front cover or on the inside outside cover... That coupon changes every month depending on your shopping habits... If the coupon says it is useable 1-7 or 1-10 or whatever you can still use that coupon plus, the gold card discount, and you still get the sale price of the item... So long as it is the 1-7 days of the month... Sometimes the coupon is good for the 1st-10th, 1st-14th, 13th-28th, or sometimes it might last all month... Just read the exp date... Our computer will not register the coupon as valid unless it is within thiose dates... I can get around all that and do any damned thing I want to do with the computer system but your typical gnc employ is gonna go duhhhhhhhh hey manager you handle this...
Btw always hand them your GOLD CARD and ALL coupons first... Otherwise if you have a coupon and we have already started the transaction (things are beeping through the big red scanner beam) we have to restart the transaction.. Re do not have to restart the transaction if you only have a gold card... We can scan those through at anytime except until we get to method of payment... Keeps people from getting cash giving a discount and then pocketing the cash themselves..
Btw don't feel bad if you have to re rering your tranaction.. It is as simple as pressing a button and signing a paper and we can then rering the transaction.. We do not have to wait for authorization from managers for anything unless it is a odd request that goes against corprate policy... You can get those over ridden sometimes it just depends on if your a frequent customer and how odd the request is...
Reading your GNC reciept
1) You get the red stickard sale price first (assuming it was regularly on sale)
2)Then I think they use the GNC coupon. A gnc coupon has a code that is valid at all GNC's put out by corprate. You can find GNC coupons in many places or in the mail. Since we get 3% commison on all GNC products they split the discount amount from the coupon between every product you buy by an equal percent. That's why you'll see dollar discount $.55 and $2.50... It all adds up to that set dollar amount you gave us from the coupon.. Sometimes it's an extra percent off but generrally it is a dollar amount off after spending X amount BEFORE the gold card and BOGO sales kick in...
3)Next your bogo's are calculated... That means you buy one get one at X price off. Generally it will be buy one get one 50% off... No we do not run like a grocery store... Our buy one get one sells you actually have to buy the first product in order to get the discount on the second..
4)Your 20% off is now factoried on the subtotal.
5) Remember you don't pay taxes on all those subtotal reductions so if you live in a place like Mobile, Alabama (sales tax here is 9%) it saves you soem extra money...
6) Manufactoriers coupons sometimes Atkins, EAS, or whomever will give you a coupon that is not a GNC coupon.. This coupon will be for a set dollar amount off of some pruduct of thiers... This is treated like cash for the dollar amount of the coupon at the end of the transaction...
7) Returns. Remember if you want to bring something back then SAVE YOUR RECEIPT!!! You have 30 days from the purchase price to return it. Even if you have already opened it and taken some of them we will take them back... The only time we will not take something back is if the bottle is fully empty or the person is returning the bottle way sooner then they should be... (2 pills left person just bought it 5 days ago product is supposed to last 4 weeks). Remember we give you the return price at the sale price you payed for the product at... This will only be a problem if you want to return the Gold Card because as I said it is a $15 flat fee for a one year coupon membership that is tax free.
Also on returns if you buy something during GOLD CARD week and you return it later they are supposed to give you the GOLD CARD discount on any purchases you make the day of that return... You have to remind them of this because as I said most people thier don't know what they are doing...
Also if we do not have a product and it is on sale or gold card week, or on sale and it is also gold card week... We can write you a raincheck for that full discounted price for the next time you come in... A raincheck costs you NOTHING... It is just a coupon for that product at that price and it is good for 1 year after is printed up... So if there's something you want we carry it but we don't have it in stock get a raincheck... As I said it's just a coupon for a year... Where as our sales go up and down every 2 months...
No you do not get a double 20% off by buying a gold card during gold card week... GNC has lots of sales... Pick up a sales flyer they should be at the front of the store... Again 70% of people that work at GNC have no clue what they are doing or what they are helping you with or for... So do not listen to sales person their... He is probably full of crap and just trying to get you to by an item that helps his sells goals or helps him to get more commesion... \
If you want help from them ask them where a certain section or a certain product is.. Never ask them what they think about the product unless they sound like me which is generally never the case.
Sorry about my GNC propganda rant... I work in sales... And I haven't been working much since march of this year... That sales men side pops up soemtimes and it just won't shut off... I really need to get stable so I can go to work... Yes I bug my roommates (my sister-in-law and my brother) about all this stuff and what they should take that would help... But, I would say 75% or more of the people I sell products to are happy with the results they see with them... The other 25% are just taking the product (mainly diet pills because they don't want to exercise and are lazy) without following the instructions that go along with it.. Or that I give to them to go along with it..
I'm hungery and I have been typing way to long....
If this keeps up you'll be able to pull together an online book of all the random crap I keep talking about...
I don't really mean to rant I just don't have anyone to talk to right now...
My brother never wants to hear about medical stuff, Thier (I live with my Brother, sister-in-law, and 3.5 niece) tired from going on vaction, I would have gone on vaction to (DragonCon in Atlanta, GE) but yet of course my crohns' was acting up and I didn't have the strentgh to go... Also I don't have the money to go on vaction... I just have enough money to buy things like food and meds now... And I'm not even paying for that now my parents are.... No I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever going on disability... I hold nothing against anyone that I have not meet... But on my Mom's side is a my uncle (her brother) that draws a check (he is a Dillusional Schizophrenic) and on my Dad's side my aunt (his sister) is also a Parnody Dillusional Schizophrenic.... My aunt fathers side is married her husband draws a for diability... My cousin jackie she is 19 now is probably going to wind up the same...
I will never draw a check everyweek... I would rather die than to be forced to sit at home and do nothing for the rest of my life...
As you can see I'm getting a little stir crazy here and the 2nd dosage of 30 mg prednisone of the day is kicking in... Time for some more adavian before I go from just being hyper to being manic hyper...
Okays I'm forcing myself away from the computer so I can take my adivan and eat something else..
Thanks guys for listening or at least pretending to listen... (Again I live with a 3 year old niece, so I understand if your just pretending to listen to me to keep me happy) No that isn't an insult it is just a commint... I'm just like a kid or puppy that wants attention right now... So give me some attention and I'll wag my tail...