Hello —my 17yr old daughter started Humira in July of 2020. This was after a year long search for a dr to properly diagnose & treat her for Crohns symptoms she started having at age 15. She was previously put on Prednisone which made her swell up like a balloon & didn’t help her at all. So we were thrilled when new dr said Humira would make her feel like a new person & not blow up. Well here we are 7mo later & while she feels much better she has gained 40 pounds!! She has ALWAYS been a thin person & is VERY active in sports so it is not lifestyle. She is devastated & feels uncomfortable and I understand why. She’s a teenager! We expected 15-20lbs tops since she had lost weight being sick but this is way above & beyond her normal weight & it’s not stopping! I have found blogs & research that has stated TNF inhibitors do in fact cause weight gain in many patients. Many patients were gaining 60-80lbs. This cannot be healthy either. Has anyone else dealt with this? Thanks