I cured my fistula

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Oct 6, 2016

I am a french man, 38, living in Jakarta Indonesia. I have been diagnosed with anal abscess and fistula in 2015.
My story is similar to most of people with this pathology, a lot of suffering and had a surgery which failed.
Having another surgery was not an option so I decided to change my diet and healed my fistula with natural "wound dressing".
After just 2 weeks, no more fistula, no more pain or anything.

I am not sure which one of the 2 ingredients I used in the diet actually cured the fistula, but try both, it might work for you as well :)
Here is what I did:
- First, I had cold potatoes twice a day during one month (just boil potatoes with their skin and place them in the fridge for an hour to form resistant starch). You can eat anything you want with the cold potatoes. The only thing important is to eat them cold fom the fridge and eat the skin too.
- Second, I had half a tea spoon of french green clay mixed in a glass of water and drank it, three times a week during 2 weeks.

That is all. No idea if the healing is coming from the resistant starch or the clay but it worked...

So just try it, it is the least invasive treatment you can find :)

Just PM me if you have other question.


Hi Nicolas, problem is that those with strictures would be taking a large risk eating potatoes with skins on. I have a fistula but I'm also very prone to strictures. I would never eat a potato skin ever. Just not worth the risk.
But pleased it worked for you.
Hi Nicolas, problem is that those with strictures would be taking a large risk eating potatoes with skins on. I have a fistula but I'm also very prone to strictures. I would never eat a potato skin ever. Just not worth the risk.
But pleased it worked for you.
I had a resection six years ago and since then can't eat skin on anything.

Actually I eat just about anything with the potatoes. Vinegar dressing, curry, meat, eags, fish...Just no restriction so far.
The only thing I drastically reduced are processed food, and almost all wheat floor based products.
As for the skin on potatoes I keep it for the minerals but I think what worked was actually the resistant starch created when cooling the potatoes flesh. So peeling them would probably work just as well.

Actually I eat just about anything with the potatoes. Vinegar dressing, curry, meat, eags, fish...Just no restriction so far.
The only thing I drastically reduced are processed food, and almost all wheat floor based products.
As for the skin on potatoes I keep it for the minerals but I think what worked was actually the resistant starch created when cooling the potatoes flesh. So peeling them would probably work just as well.

well that is interesting. I don't typically respond well to potatoes. and some wheat agree with me while some doesn't. refined sugar and milk sugar is pretty much what sets me off.
Hello Nicolas,

I'm albert, from Jakarta also.

Do you mind sharing where to purchase the french green clay here ?
I'm very excited to try out your method.

Thank you.
I'd like more information about the French green clay. Is there a particular brand, and then how much to take and how to prepare it. Potatoes are one of those foods that give me problems, and everything I eat must be peeled. I have a stoma.

Just wanted to add that I buy precooked mexican spiced brown rice and put it into the fridge overnight and eat the following day and it becomes full of resistant starch. I can eat most things afterwards also resistant starch is known to produce butyrate because it resisted digestion in the small intestine and feeds gut microbiome in the large and colon. I can even have sugar if I wanted to. I usually eat one packet cold takes a while to finish it, I'm chewing it more than if I had it hot but whatever helps I suppose.

This is sort of backed up by a news article I read about how research found plantain helped Crohn's patients. Plantain are also a source of resistant starch.