I finally start Remicade Friday!

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Nov 15, 2007
I've read most of the diaries and anecdotal stuff that people have posted here so I feel pretty well informed. I'm excited and hopeful that this will help me finally regain some sembalance of life.

One thing the lady at the infusion center I spoke with today mentioned though, that I hadn't read or maybe missed in my reading, was that there are loading doses? Can someone confirm and what interval those are usually given in? I've read plenty about the loading doses for Humira and Cimzia but not Remicade.

Thanks guys and girls.
Hi i just started Remicaid about 5 weeks ago & it is awesome.........i honestly forget sometimes that i even have this disease!!!
i hope it works well for you as well
as for the loading doses there are 3 given over 6 weeks before you go to the normal interval of every 8 weeks
second does is 2 wks after the first & the 3rd is 4 weeks after that

Good Luck!!
im having my second infusion tomorrow and ive not felt any better than this for over a year. hope if works as well for you as it is doing for me!
yay for drew!

the fist infusion is given at week 0, the second at week 2, the third at week 6, and then every 8 weeks.
YAY! I hope it works wonders for you!

Hmmm, what are you going to do to pass the time for 3 hours??
Oh - I have an idea. You can daydream about me.
(Now I guarantee you think about me just once there. Even if you try not to. I hope it's a good one!)

Good luck!
Well crap. My doctor called and she has changed me to Humira ... I have an appt to go over everything next Tuesday.
Good luck Drew, whichever it is. Maybe the switch was from the insurance company. "Relief, who cares about relief, how much does the first one cost?"
She called to discuss remicade and then in the middle of the conversation asked if I was working, which I said no I was fired for not being able to work full time (a concept she still doesn't seem to grok) ... she said well there is another medication, to which I said Humira right? She said yea and that if I wanted to try that instead I was welcome to. I said sure so I have an appt on Tuesday of next week to go over everything and then I'm on Humira ...
Well the doc who switched me to humira was the same who wanted me to start remicade, she left the decision up to me based on the fact that humira is more convenient which it is.
Hey Drew :)

I know this is a tough decision but I encourage you to try the Humira. I have heard too many people say remicade stops working after a period of time. Plus the side effects that have been reported with remicade are a lot scarier. You've got my support either way.
From what I understand, the risks are about the same, they both inhibit the immune system, and most sides/risks are similar. Main difference is how they're made, one from mice DNA (Remicade, "Chimeric"), and one is human DNA (Cimzia, Humira)....

Remicade never worked for me, and I gathered that they both have the potential for stopping after a few years, I don't know, I guess I thought they both had around the same set of pluses/minues in that realm, but cost is a bit different. At least you get to try both, biologics have a decent success rate, it's about 2/3 people seeing response.
I really don't think it matters which one you try, but it IS the most convenient of the biologics. You'll never know until you try it. If it works - great, but it can't be predicted what will work, or how long, or if it'll quit.
Watch the video at www.myhumira.com it completely explains everything.
I'd get the pens, not the syringes. You don't have to guess how far it's going in, it does the work for you. It's SO not that bad of a sting either. 10 seconds and it's over.
My next shot is Friday the 10th. If you get on my schedule I'll do yours and you can do mine.
Good luck, have fun!