Good lord! I am so sloooooooooow on the responses! :lol:
Anyhoo...Once upon a time long, long ago a young lass left school and toiled very hard. She slaved away emptying bedpans and saving lives, what a mixed bag of chores she had! Then one day she went to the bank and found that she had saved enough to go away for a very long time.
So she skipped on down to the travel agents and made her long planned dreams come to life. She threw a backpack over her shoulder and boarded the flying kangaroo bound for England....
Many months passed and after tripping gayly through the UK and Europe she decided to board another plane, this time bound for Montreal! At first the natives were somewhat puzzling to her, she had a little trouble understanding the accent. :eek2: She soon found her groove though and cut a swathe from one side of the country to the other. On her return to Provence Quebec she headed south the that great body of water called Niagara Falls. After getting somewhat wet she continued on foot over a bridge to the USofA. The gentleman at the border point was anxious that once she entered the US she would not want to leave! Alas she eventually convinced him otherwise, and so her journey began...
She found many new and strange things as she ventured forth. She was met with many questions along the way...Lass: May I have a ham sandwich? Shop Assistant: Would you like that on Rye, wheat, white...would like mayo, pickles...on and on it went and she became confused! she just wanted a ham sandwich...
What is all this leading to you ask?...well one day she found herself in New York city standing outside what she called a cake shop but she didn't see one thing she recognised! Fear and panic gripped her, what were these strange morsels that lay before her! She took a tentative step over the threshold, then another and another. Soon she felt beads of sweat on her brow, her breaths quick and shallow as she searched and searched in vain for some flicker of recognition. Too much cream, everything had too much cream! The words were pounding in her head! Then her eyes rested upon what seemed to her a burning light of salvation! Hallelujah! Was that a custard tart??? Could it be??? It was the only thing in the shop that didn't have lashings of cream all over it! She asked for one of the tasty morsels and as the lady handed it to her she pushed the money into her hand and fled out into the street...
At last she caught her breath, she slowly opened the bag and peered inside. Come to me my lovely she whispered and as she drew it closer to her mouth it was all she could do not to gobble it down greedily and disgrace herself in the middle of the street. As she opened her mouth and bit down into all that loveliness her eyes grew wider and wider and her lips spread back from her teeth like that of a snarling mongrel dog...
OMG!!! I swear that thing was made completely of sugar!!! I spat and spluttered and made a complete ass of myself anyway! :rof: