Ideas on why I have so much discomfort/pain in the lower abdomen?

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Jul 8, 2024
I poop 3-4x a day and afterwards still feel like I have to poop again but don't want to because it takes so much time from my day. I just spent like 30-45 minutes on the toilet pooping twice, and still feel some mild pain/discomfort and it doesn't feel fully evacuated.
I experience extreme pain while pooping sometimes, and extreme pain while my intestines process food sometimes.
I get daily bloating and abdominal discomfort, and can feel gas in my intestines which moves around and feels uncomfortable.
If I don't eat a lot during the day (2 very very small meals) the pain and discomfort goes away almost completely, but that isn't good since I would be starving myself.
My poop varies between type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4, and type 5 on the Bristol Stool scale.
It is interfering with my life and causes discomfort, pain, it causes me to clench my butt to stop pooping so much (which makes me less relaxed), and causes sadness.

It's been like this ever since I was a kid. I can remember sitting on the toilet at maybe age 10-14 and having extreme abdominal pain (I thought everyone had this experience so I didn't really question it).
I'll be seeing a doctor this week to try and figure it out. Any ideas on what it might be in the meantime?
Just pooped today and a huge amount of mucus was present (white strands of mucus [definitely not worms since it was liquidy]). I also am experiencing some bowel pain near the anus in my intestines. Last night it hurt pretty bad too on the lower left side of my abdomen. I have a doc appt scheduled for August (the earliest they could get me in).
Man this sucks. Hope it will be fixed soon since it interferes with my life. It's gonna feel so much better when I poop 1-2x a day, when I don't feel backed up and uncomfortable, and have no pain. Literally a new me
Went to an urgent care and they suggest for me to go on a Whole 30 diet to check if it is a food allergy
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Allergist is need to address food allergies (IgE based)
Food intolerance can cause IBS symptoms (irritable bowel symptoms) which is very different from IBD (inflammatory bowel disease )
Fodmaps is a diet that eliminates most foods that cause gas or cramping in a normal individual.
Some just are sensitive to gluten (not necessarily celiac )
Some are lactose intolerant (no milk )
Worth keeping a food log
Ibs tends to be pain with bm that goes away after you have a bm
Not saying you don’t have crohns just typically ibs goes away
Food can cause a plethora of issues. I can not tolerate onions or peppers
But I don’t have crohns
But oldest adult child is lactose intolerant
My youngest adult child has Crohn’s disease .

good luck
Thanks for the reply. Nearly all my symptoms have disappeared after starting the diet, and I think in time every symptom will go away as I continue. My poop is healthy, and I poop once a day. I lost a bit of weight on the diet, but I just need to eat more protein and carbohydrates through potatos and meats. The problem was definitely food allergies. I think it's either gluten intolerance or lactose intolerance, since that is common in my family. I feel so happy and blessed to find the root cause of the issue (my diet). I have a follow-up doctor visit that will re-introduce different types of food to find the culprit.
Intolerance to a food is not a the same as a food allergy
Food allergies can result in anaphylaxis and death
My youngest kiddo has food allergies to tree nuts and fish
He has had an epi pen given more than once
My oldest has food intolerances
He is intolerant to lactose
If he forgets and drinks milk or eats something cross contaminated with milk he will have Gi upset
While unpleasant not life threatening

please do not tell people you have food allergies when it is a food intolerance
It makes it much harder for folks where a small amount of food (traces) can cause anaphylaxis