So Ive been recently diagnosed with crohns disease after 15 years of suffering....Ive been really sick most of this year. Things are under control now, but Im not on any treatment. Earlier this year my 3 year old son started complainin of tummy pain associated with diahrea. Diahrea has presisted and blood became present! I started restricting things, thinking hes allergic to something in his diet, and yet nothing worked, things only got worse. So GI scheduled him for colonoscopy and today I got terrible news. Theres a 90% chance its IBD, probably early stages of CD. He goes in next week for allergy testing to rule out allergies. GI doc said that his assending colon is damaged, with lots of nodules and poor vascularity. Im DEVISTATED!! Only three years old and IBD already?? Im in tears, and feel hopeless. The years Ive spent suffering with this crap and now my child possibly has it....what can one do?? He doesnt want to eat, hes always tired, and I see him loosing weight....Im so worried, for sure Im going to flare~ Please, anything helps....Im so devistated~