Well Friday I had my final Remicade. After 3 tablespoons, I can't remember the exact measurement equivalent, I had my third reaction to the stuff. My head started throbbing and pulsing, my throat also felt like it was pulsing, my chest felt very heavy, and I got real achy as if I had the flu. I was put on oxygen and they pumped saline through me which luckily got me back to normal because they had six steroids they were about to push through me. It's kind of amusing though because their was a lady across the hall who got really freaked out when I got extremely and had my girlfriend run out of the room to get the nurse. She's awesome. Anyways I just wanted to giive an update on my current state. I'm going to the GI Thursday so hopefully I can talk him into putting me on LDN, we'll see about that. I really don't want to stick myself with Humira. I would much rather a pill. I'm not really sick but I do need to have my rectum dilated so hopefully Thursday they do that for me and I'll be fine.