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Intro diet- is it going proper

I have diagnosed crohns in august 2013 and been on pentasa 3g. And budez for 3 months . present managing with pentasa 2g and esmeprazole , vitamin supplements.

My diet for past 1 year rice, black gram,cooked squashes, egg plant and carrots, scd yoghurt.

Today I started with intro of scd
Breakfast: 3 eggs with lot of butter, papaya
Every 2 hours some yoghurt
Lunch: carrot soup, 2 eggs , cooked bottle gourd( some sort of squash)
In between tender coconut water and ripe bananas
Dinner: variation of lunch.

I have excess gas through out the day and some sort of feeling like obstruction in throat and tightness in the lower abdomen.

Today having 2 bm and now( night) having some sounds from stomach and urgency .

Is it going in the right direction? Plz advice.