Is anyone else overweight?

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Mar 25, 2009
Despite all the negative effects of Crohn's, malabsorption, etc., I am the heaviest I've ever been. My weight does fluctuate some, but I cannot seem to lose any weight long-term. I feel like the only Crohnie in the world who is overweight!

Its not uncommon, plus you are on Pred... pred makes you hold water... PLUS it also makes you think you look more huge than you do. It messes with your head. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I call my extra weight "buffer room"
Thanks. I have steadily gained weight over the last 7-8 years. With the pred I can understand (and I have been on it previously several times), but normally I don't eat a lot and I eat healthy. I have celiac's, so I can't eat most of the stuff that causes lots of people weight, I'm a vegetarian. I don't drink soda and I stay away from sugar and junky/refined stuff.

Butt-eze, I guess it's probably the same thing as you...pred & inactivity.
Yah but im still gaining weight!! its the damn prednisone!!! lol. Before the prednisone i was down to 127, now i am 150 in a period of 2 weeks. !!!! so im prolly gonna be keep gaining unless i start exercising lol! but good luck with your weight.
You can be overweight with crohns without the pred. I am... I really could do with losing 15-20 pounds. I think more exercise would help me. I don't eat much junk, but sometimes I just have to eat what I can when I can! And someitmes I think I may be better off with some "reserves" in case I can't eat in the future!
Pen said:
when you dont feel good or in pain, who the hell wants to worry about your diet?


True about the getting off the lazy butt though... I'm trying to get walking more... walked about three miles yesterday and felt like I'd been beaten up! :(
Agent X20 said:
I set off in the right direction... but coming back I've got to get past the new Ice Cream Parlour that's opened in the village!
Well at least if you stop for ice cream on your walk, it's better than driving there!
We have one in our village too. Right in the middle. It's SO hard to go there without stopping!

Right now I am only 5 pounds overweight. I just gained about 45 back over the past year - but I desperately needed it. I was trying to stay at 135, cuz that's where I feel and look the best, but I am 140 now DAMN EASTER CANDY! And I still have a ton of candy left that I am not willing to throw out. My goal 2 weeks ago was to maintain 135. Oopsies. Now my goal is to not go above 140.

I've only been to the gym twice since my son was born, haha - he's 8 now.
And only recently, I have started wallking again without the fear of crapping myself on the way.

I've always said though - I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny with Crohn's.
TooSick said:
That's nothing! I need to lose about 80 lbs. :(

I'm with ya. 5'8" 260lbs. Lots to lose.
I am not on Pred. I have no excuse except lazy. I also have a breathing problem do to my lazy butt not exercising.

:ybatty: My appetite has not changed with crohns, which I thought was weird??:
I'm not the heaviest I've ever been, but I am still overweight... about 215lb right now (I used to be about 300lb)... My weight drops and goes back up all over the place depending on if I am flaring or on prednisone... While I would like to drop a few more pounds and make it down to 175 or so... I would rather do it the healthy way than lose it through a flare up. Since I'm on prednisone right now, I'm retaining a lot of water and eating like a horse. I'm trying not to worry about it too much right now, and focus on eating fresh and healthy and try to be as active as possible on my good days.
...and to add to that last post, I'd be happy reaching 175lb, even though I would still be overweight, I wouldn't want to be much lower than that... I'm a curvy girl and I'd like to keep some meat on my bones. :) and you know what they say, never trust a skinny chef... :)
I'm currently 145... at 5'5.5"... that may sound large and in charge but I'm also curvy and so I hold weight differently... plus like 15 of its in my ****s and ass. I was told today that I could hold a lot of weight without looking fat. Ha... compliment?
I am about 20 pounds, though I feel very healthy. I was only on prednisone for a month but the effects were devastating. Mostly though, I think I have gained weight simply because of all the time I have had to spend laid up or inactive because of the chronic pain or hospital stays I have had.

Sometimes, you just have to fight through. What I am doing is just walking around campus everyday, it might be like 3 or 4 miles. But just everyday do some little thing, not stressful and it should help. Then again I am 18 so what the hell do I know about really losing weight or gaining it haha
katiesue1506 said:
I'm currently 145... at 5'5.5"... that may sound large and in charge but I'm also curvy and so I hold weight differently... plus like 15 of its in my ****s and ass. I was told today that I could hold a lot of weight without looking fat. Ha... compliment?
haha your the same size as me praticly! cept im kinda fat cause i got no ****s and no ass to hold the fat lmfao
Ugh. Me too. I thought I was a rarity, but again, I see I'm not. I swore I'd never get up to 200, but I did. :( 205-210 in fact. I'm 5'9" and used to hold me extra weight well, but not this much weight! I'm really hoping I can find some energy this spring/summer to get out and walk. I'm so drained by the time supper is finished and everything is cleaned up. It's something I'm just going to have to push through I guess.

I'm thinking about trying Slimquick..................any opinions on that? I love their commercials, and if they aren't the truth, huh?
katiesue1506 said:
I'm currently 145... at 5'5.5"... that may sound large and in charge but I'm also curvy and so I hold weight differently... plus like 15 of its in my ****s and ass. I was told today that I could hold a lot of weight without looking fat. Ha... compliment?

I believe you...I used to be the same way. I'm 5'8.5" and when I weighed 170, I looked good. My family is very big-boned (my mother weighed 155 when she got married and she was SKINNY!). People always used to tell me that I carried my weight well, too. That was before I got really fat, though! lol

Ugh...I don't get why it's so darn hard to lose! I used to be able to lose weight with no problem at all!
I'm like, 190 lbs at 5'7''. When I started flaring this winter, I ended up dropping back down to like, 165, but then the prednisone put the weight right back on. And it gives me moobs, slightly. Can't stand it. @_@ The prednisone makes me worry about my weight and appearance more than I should, I think. It's like KatieSue said, it messes with your head.
I know I lately posted a lot on gaining weight (I myself want to eventually gain to be a lean 215ish or so, ~8% bodyfat, from there, my goals are going to be maintaining it and then strength increases), but assessing fat/weight can get convoluted. Cutting/losing fat is a little less complex once understood, but assessing what fat there is to cut and how to go about isolating it as a target, is more difficult. The mirror and how clothes fit must be utilized at least as much as a scale. A fashion tape measure is also very handy.

Even for females, I feel it prudent to point out that "weight" is a nebulous concept, particularly with IBD patients due to body compositions. Sort of as a few have pointed out, it's partly how you carry it, but it's also what that weight is consisting of. For instance, muscle, water, adipose tissue (fancy schmancy word for fat tissue), food, and other components/fluids can make up a gain or loss in "weight"....And don't get me started on the BMI system. :)

Long ago I was what is known as "skinny fat" on guys, I was at 190 (I'm 5'11") I had mostly fat (geek fat) and didn't do anything except basketball. In 2003 I lost most of it, and burned off enough to see abs popping at 145 lbs in 2004, but wanted to put on muscle so I started bodybuilding (I had probably lost a fair amount of muscle trimming down, as I was still learning and didn't really do any weights).

I'll add to this by saying that weight lifting will help you cut fat and weight, especially if you are new to it. My friend who is a few years older than me used to weigh about 400 lbs, he was given some morbid warnings by his doc, quit smoking, and dropped down to about 230 and now competes in Marathons and was working on an Iron man last I knew (if he hasn't done one already)...He said at first, when he added in the weight training, he was shedding around 5 lbs a week with a refined diet. That's on the higher end because his body was so willing to give up the excess energy (yes, fat is simply a storage mechanism for the body, nothing more) at the weight he was at, and it did slow down after 300 lbs, but it's widely known and fairly well accepted that weight training will attack fat loss goals better than just cardio and dietary intervention alone.

It boosts your metabolism more, ensures you lose a much higher proportion of fat as opposed to precious lean body mass (muscle), keeps energy higher, adds density to your bones (a big plus for Crohnies and pred users), helps the immune system (regulate it, not overactivate it), gives you better form and shape, helps your joints (and does not hurt them, as a certain myth asserts) the list goes on. On top of that, it is often perceived as less repetitious than cardio, and can be done in place of it in some cases. Even moderate resistance training will do, just make sure you ease into any of it and learn the form first. You won't get bulky (unless you purposely try to and know how to) or anything, if you're new to it and do it moderately, it'll actually "lean you out," for lack of a better term....
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I am overweight. i have been for many years. It started when I was a teen and was on high doses of prednisone for another autoimmune disease. I was never able to get the weight off.
Since then i ahve slwoly put weight on. I think being undiagnosed with Crohns for many years is a bit of the problem. When my stomach is upset and I feel sick I eat. I'd rather feel the discomfort of fullness rather than the nawing nausea in my stomach. I have been diagnosed with an eating disorder.
My GI told me to get fit. Easier said then done. It is incredibley hard when I feel so much fatigue and sickness. Then I overdo it and I am sick for a while and afraid to go back.
What helped me is many areas the most was Yoga. I had a teacher who was extremely gentle . Even being very overwieght I coudl do it as long as I accepted and lsitned to my body. I pray I can get back to Yoga. Where there is a will there is a way !!! And I have the will :)
i'm currently 148-150 and i'm 5'1 or 5'2.... fortunately because i have a medium boned frame, i can get away with the extra weight, i mostly carry it in my hips/thighs, butt and ****s...

but i was 128-130 a couple months ago... i gained 20 pounds during the last few weeks i was on prednisone (at first i was maintaining, but then i foolishly stopped working out).

i've also had a history of my weight fluctuating, but i dunno... last year is when i had lost weight again and it seems to be a combination of exercise and less eating ...and apparently my crohn's must've contributed.... throughout the years (since 2002) i've been as heavy as 170-178... and my lowest has been 118. i do notice that when i try to lose weight, i lose it super fast, and there's no difficulty (maybe that's from crohn's?) so yeah, over the last year (right before prednisone), i was down 40 pounds...and it was only recently i was diagnosed with crohn's... so i'm guessing because it was at it's worse, the weight was falling off.

at this point, i haven't really tried to lose the 20 pounds i gained...and i've been eating a lot, and not healthy foods (i know i know, i should be careful)... anyway, i just started working out again, so i'm confident the weight will come off within a month or two....

but i am pretty pissed off about the weight gain from pred... i was lucky not to get moon face or a distended / really big stomach but still, i wish i didn't gain.... should've kept working out cuz i was eating like a beast. lol
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I'm 5ft 9 and currently weigh in at 107lbs. I have never been overweight - the highest I ever got was 166lbs, wasn't anything Crohn's related I was just big then all the eating problems hit. I have had an eating disorder close on 6 years now.

I managed to taper off pred. but it did make me feel a lot heavier when I was on it and I certainly had moon face etc, it really puffed up!

I think most of all though, regardless of weight, it's just important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat as well as you can, do as much exercise as you feel is needed just walking rather than taking the car, some gentle swimming etc and just feel well. Who cares if you're not losing weight - just feel good for you.
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Yep I yo-yo alot weight wise and by as much as 20kg believe it or not!

Biggest problem is I am usually on steroids in one form or another for my chest (asthma), gut (crohns) or joints (arthritis) so cant really win. I also carry alot of fluid and notice the big change when I lose it.

I do exercise when I can and its mostly swimming now. I used to be very athletic and hurdled, sprinted and distance swam along with butterfly race. In the last 10yrs my stamina has reduced greatly and its the side of my life that I really miss. So do try to exercise when I can.

My different teams that manage my health issues all keep telling me not to worry about my weight but I have to say it does get me down at times. Currently I am trying work out a regime where I can manage to lose the excess and maintain some stability on this front as waiting til I am better just realistically isnt going to happen long term.

With all the hype in the media about an obesity epidemic there are days I feel like wearing a huge sign saying I look like this because of major health problems not because I choose to!

Sigh.. will get there in the end as I always do LOL Hmmm anyone got any ideas on how I can get Elle Macphersons bod overnight? Do you think she would notice if I nicked hers? LOL
This isn't all that different than what PB4 posted, but in case it also helps, this was on Yahoo yesterday, it's worded different with some new aspects explained. The first one on the first page is one I've always touted, and even got into some trouble for supporting on the forums, about how intensity trumps the "fat burning zone", which I have always said. HIIT will be a better choice (interval training, or sprints) as opposed to a slow, constant jog if you want to look at the big picture....though, slow long jogs every now and then won't hurt...
Glad to see I'm not alone! I always wondered with pooping as much as I do, why am I not loosing weight? I do not eat a ton, due to it killing my stomach, go to the bathroom severa; times a day, walk/jog almost daily, but I've still gained about 20lbs this year. UGH! Dang Entocort!!!
i am 6ft 2in tall and weigh 114.4 kg. i have no idea what that is in stones or ponds sorry. i have no plans to lose weight, i am very happy with my body an is shape.
I am pretty happy with my size. I am 5ft. 2in. and 115lbs.
I know weight is merely a number depending on body fat and all that. But it would be nice to get rid of the bloated CD belly,

I'm 5ft 1in and weigh in at 10st 10lbs, cant shift it, even though I go to the gym, i'm not allowed to use pred for some reason, although i was on it in hospital intravenously and looked like a chip monk as thats what they seem to do if you go in as an emergency, when my consultant found out he went mad and had to come off it straight away. But weight is an issue for me and have done all sorts to shift it yet when I as 18/19 yrs old I was skinny as a pin because of this disease, weird really how it affects different people. Im trying the 'Sacred Heart Medical Diet' for a week from monday, then I'm going to do the diet for the actual chrons disease. Im hoping the heart diet will flush all the rubbish thats inside me away. I dont eat a lot, or any rubbish, I do have problems with fat in food as its makes me ill, (fish n chips)

Will let you know how I get on
do you guys think that in some cases, (in addition to medication being the culprit) maybe the issues with digestion can also have the opposite effect, causing weight gain? if you aren't metabolizing your food properly wouldn't it most likely turn into fat? i'm no expert, just wondering. also, i know for me, the reason has also been that i was eating a lot of carbs, and if you eat too many carbs/don't use up your carbs stored (through exercise), it turns into fat... so i've read. also, i don't get the big D, but i experience constipation, and bloating.
There can be a bacterial element to excessive weight gain. Before my stricture closed down on me I was as heavy as I have ever been at 223 lbs. I think the reason I was so heavy was also the reason my Crohn's flared up.

The stricture quickly reduced my weight to a all time adult low of 162. I looked like death warmed over as 200 lbs is a good healthy weight for me.

Now I am actually in better shape than I have been in a long time. I cannot hardly gain any excess weight, no matter how much or what I eat.

The only explanation I have is cleaning out the bad bacteria in my guts and using LDN to keep it down. Recently I have been going after yeast also. A few years ago I would have gained ten pounds easily eating like I have been. Now I stay between 198 and 200.

I also am sticking to a high protein diet, but my junk food is usually carbs. Something changed in my physiology between my high weight and now. I think it is bacterial makeup of the intestinal tract. I believe this bacterial shift is responsible for my lack of any symptoms also.

Lots of Carbs are something I try to avoid. They only feed the bacteria and yeast that make us sick. Especially carbs from Grain, Bread, etc. Vegetable carbs are much better than Grain carbs in my opinion.

cheeky said:
do you guys think that in some cases, (in addition to medication being the culprit) maybe the issues with digestion can also have the opposite effect, causing weight gain? if you aren't metabolizing your food properly wouldn't it most likely turn into fat? i'm no expert, just wondering. also, i know for me, the reason has also been that i was eating a lot of carbs, and if you eat too many carbs/don't use up your carbs stored (through exercise), it turns into fat... so i've read. also, i don't get the big D, but i experience constipation, and bloating.

Well, you're sort of speaking to food not being absorbed in the GI tract, as it isn't broken down. Metabolizing food has to do with it after it has been absorbed by the small intestine, after all the nutrients/macronutrients have been assimilated in the GI tract and taken up, they are then dealt with. If you have room for broken down carbs (which become glycogen for the muscles as you mentioned), they'll be stored as such in the liver and muscle tissue for energy purposes. If you're already "full" on glycogen, fat storage is more likely if you aren't active enough to rid it before it's stored. Malabsorption is more likely an IBD causal effect because of the inflammation and "hostility" going on in the mucousal linings, the surface area is needed down there to "uptake" the nutrients and fluids via the villi (which oddly in Latin means shaggy hair, so you now have hairy intestines). The villi have capalaries and lacteals responsble for "grabbing" nutrients off of food as it passes through breaking down. So in theory, most IBD sufferers would deal with not absorbing their food in the first place, and allowing it to just pass on through, causing malabsorption and weight loss, what you're speaking of would be more metabolic in function and would involve mechanisms post-absorption, where food already taken in isn't metabolized and stored in fat cells for energy.

I also believe that peristalsis is hindered by IBD in some way at times too, so the intestines don't function optimally. But, in all, each Crohnnie is different to the point that the aspects of the disease afflicts in different ways, a metabolic "slowdown" is a possibility as the endocrine system and thyroid could be involved, as well as energy levels, causing what food is consumed to have little chance of being burned. You also then have "starvation mode" when very ill people are eating very little and moving very little, so the body adapts by hording what you do eat, in order to preserve what little sustenance is provided.
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BWS1982 said:
Well, you're sort of speaking to food not being absorbed in the GI tract, as it isn't broken down. Metabolizing food has to do with it after it has been absorbed by the small intestine, after all the nutrients/macronutrients have been assimilated in the GI tract and taken up, they are then dealt with. If you have room for broken down carbs (which become glycogen for the muscles as you mentioned), they'll be stored as such in the liver and muscle tissue for energy purposes. If you're already "full" on glycogen, fat storage is more likely if you aren't active enough to rid it before it's stored. Malabsorption is more likely an IBD causal effect because of the inflammation and "hostility" going on in the mucousal linings, the surface area is needed down there to "uptake" the nutrients and fluids via the villi (which oddly in Latin means shaggy hair, so you now have hairy intestines). The villi have capalaries and lacteals responsble for "grabbing" nutrients off of food as it passes through breaking down. So in theory, most IBD sufferers would deal with not absorbing their food in the first place, and allowing it to just pass on through, causing malabsorption and weight loss, what you're speaking of would be more metabolic in function and would involve mechanisms post-absorption, where food already taken in isn't metabolized and stored in fat cells for energy.

I also believe that peristalsis is hindered by IBD in some way at times too, so the intestines don't function optimally. But, in all, each Crohnnie is different to the point that the aspects of the disease afflicts in different ways, a metabolic "slowdown" is a possibility as the endocrine system and thyroid could be involved, as well as energy levels, causing what food is consumed to have little chance of being burned. You also then have "starvation mode" when very ill people are eating very little and moving very little, so the body adapts by hording what you do eat, in order to preserve what little sustenance is provided.

thanks for explaining, i had a feeling you'd be the one to have some knowledge about this stuff.

hmm... well, i'm still puzzled about my body. because i am capable of losing weight super easily and fast when i make small adjustments or when i have flared, but i am also able to gain and maintain my weight. i'm one extreme or the other i.e. really hungry or not hungry at all.

so i'm not sure what my deal is.
Hormones could be a likely culprit, and IBD is very adept at messing with them, among other functions...both hunger, satiety, and metabolic rates are governed by hormones (leptin and grehlin are two), they regulate quite a bit, and when an affliction tinkers with the mechanics of hormones, all hell can break loose....

Just ask a menstrual gf of mine..... *goes and hides behind the curtains*
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yea i have the same problem to, im 5'8 and weigh 178lbs which is horrible to me but ive also been on prednisone for a while to i try to loose weight or even gain it but no matter what i only loose or gain a pound or two i cant get any more to get off me ive tryed to diet but that will sometimes upset my stomach so i guess you just have to learn to be happy with yourself then the weight wont bother you so much :)
katiesue1506 said:
I'm currently 145... at 5'5.5"... that may sound large and in charge but I'm also curvy and so I hold weight differently... plus like 15 of its in my ****s and ass. I was told today that I could hold a lot of weight without looking fat. Ha... compliment?

That is about me exactly! The ****s really contribute to the weight, though I would really like to get rid of 15 or so (only off my thighs and hips of course)
i am still what i was when i posted a year back!!! i was a huge baby though weighing in at 10pounds 9oz at birth. ouch.
Sometimes when I am having crohn's issues and am not feeling well it feels kind of feels like when I am really hungry and start to feel light headed and sick. Because of this I think I eat quite often when I'm not really hungry.

I never realized that it felt like this until someone asked me what it felt like...

Does anyone else have this?
Ashley said:
Sometimes when I am having crohn's issues and am not feeling well it feels kind of feels like when I am really hungry and start to feel light headed and sick. Because of this I think I eat quite often when I'm not really hungry.

I never realized that it felt like this until someone asked me what it felt like...

Does anyone else have this?
I feel light headed and sick all the time! I was begining to wonder if I was the only one!! I don't have many of the D issues, 3 times a day in the bathroom tops and usually they are almost normal, not a lot of stomach pains either. Just sick to my tummy all the time, weak and lightheaded. Only difference from you is I have to force myself to eat during those times, as I have been doing for the last week or so now :(

I would LOVE to say I'm overweight one day...instead I am WAY under weight. I'm 5'4" and 100lbs!! I'm starting Humira tomorrow so I'm hoping that will help me gain weight!
I've always been over weight

I've lost weight with some flares but this last flare as actually put weight on
I wish I could loose some weight an be a normal size an not this blob I am now
I am not overweight but I always get uncomfortable because my weight goes up and down I guess from water weight every couple days. I am very comfortable at 123 and I am 5'6" but when I go to 127 I know I am bloated and uncomfortable. My stomach expands and then hurts....sometimes it looks like I am pregnant when I am bloated. I also do eat but I have not felt hunger in years. NOTHING. I get weak and light headed and feel sick and usually that is my indication to eat when I am out and about. If I am home I know to just eat without getting to that point most of the time. I feel like its strange of me to say that a 4 lb difference makes me feel very uncomfortable (not image wise) but it does.
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Ashley said:
Sometimes when I am having crohn's issues and am not feeling well it feels kind of feels like when I am really hungry and start to feel light headed and sick. Because of this I think I eat quite often when I'm not really hungry.

I never realized that it felt like this until someone asked me what it felt like...

Does anyone else have this?

That happens to me, too. I only have to eat a small amount and the feeling goes away for a while. When I'm not having crohns issues I just get the standard feeling of hunger. Tried describing this to my GP and she looks at me as if I'm mad
Yep I am very overweight an nothing like my picture here now but it is due to almost a year of steroids between asthma, crohns and arthritis in one format or another. And oooh guess what I am back on pred for at least another 2 months! LOL

Having said that I know it will drop once I get levelled out properly and the stress levels ease off!

My weight can also massively fluctuate too. With this increase in flare level in last few weeks at one point I dropped 8kg in 10days. A fair bit I reckon was actually fluid too as my hands and ankles and tum are less "puffy" and tight.

Will be much happier once I off load a bit of flab though LOL It will happen in time.
I've read that Vitamin D and coconut oil are two things which help to lose weight.

A couple of years ago I was bloated from too much beer and processed foods and sugar and flour and crap. Since I quit beer and turned my diet around 180 degrees,
I've lost 40 pounds and am back down to what I weighed when I was 18, 175 pounds; now other things seem to work like an 18 year old too. ;-)
I am overweight, and have struggled with weight all my life. i'm learning to just be happy with me, be it a size 20 me, or a size 2 me, it doesn't really matter. I try to eat healthy, and get some activity, but i try not to stress too much about it.
Yeah it does increase metabolism Roger - draw back is you have to careful if you are on other meds like me with thyroxine as it impacts on metabolism too.

Good point though.
After many years of being way too skinny and sickly looking, and after two surgeries, I now need to lose weight. How am I supposed to do this, lol!??! I have about 50 pounds that I need to lose.
Me too, up and down like a toilet seat! Ha. I have struggled because in also runs in our family, and it is also a genentic component. I try to lose weight and gain it back. Trick is, to cut your meals and half and eat slow and of course healthier. 4 lbs a month is plenty I was told by a nutritionist, no more. Lost 23 lbs and thought I gained some back but I didn't ....scary moment! Predisone, makes you wanna eat 24-4. But at least the D is gone!
I'm overweight now, too. I was a healthy weight, but when the Crohn's(?Not yet official) symptoms started a year ago, I became hungry 24/7. In my case, it looks like the stomach upset/indigestion is being "felt" and interpreted as hunger. I've had some success with Prevacid cutting down on the feelings of hunger -- and also with simply reminding myself that, if I've eaten in the past while, it's not "real hunger" that I'm experiencing. And, agreed on the slow eating being tremendously helpful.
Prednisone Sucks!!! It makes you feel hungry all the time. I gained 60 lbs on it and my husband gained 50. He wasn't even on the prednisone. He gained just because I was cooking and eating all the time and he kept me company. Once you're off the drug your appetite will settle down and you will be able to eat the way you need to in order to lose the extra weight. Don't sweat it for now. Try to go easy on yourself. You have enough to deal with without having to add stringent weight loss goals to your ordeal. Take good care, Sharon
I'm 5'5" and fluctuate between 127 and 137 - depending on the day and if I've been sick. While I like my weight, I don't like the puffy belly that I have all the time. Even with working out and doing 200 situps a few times a week - the second I eat or drink anything - it just sticks out like I'm prego.

Along with digistive problems (possibly crohnies that doc is scoping me out for), I also have hypothyroidism. I gain weight from that if my thyroid levels are low. Lets just say - I have fat AND skinny clothes for all my crazy weight fluctuations!
I am probably average for my size. I was really under just three months ago. At Xmas I was 5'8'' 149 Lbs. Since then I have been on Pred for three months and I am now 165. So have put on 16 pounds since Xmas.
I've always been a skinny runt, they wouldn't let me be a policeman even tho I passed my entry exams cos I was underweight.
Then I started to pile it on, cos alcohol makes you fat
Then some more during two pregnancies
Then last year I suddenly lost 2 stone, just like that!
was really ill, but didn't know it at the time
Then these last 2 months with the Pred, I've put shedloads on again, and can't stop eating!
I'm 5'5'' and weigh about 12 stone now with a moon face and a tash
I look very attractive, I do!
I've been overweight my entire life, until '97 when the stricture appeared.

I am still too heavy but being 6' and 155 lbs was no good. I looked like a corpse.

I make sure to eat enough calories to maintain my extra weight, hey you never know when you'll need it;)

Edited for the line about the spammer.
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Oh God! Mike, just read that again
ha ha ha
I can assure that I'm not a man, I did mean a policewoman!
but unfortunately, I do have a bit of a tash!
it's the Pred lol xxx
Hey Mike... she is on Prednisone like me, at least she remembered she is a woman and such a sweetheart too! :ylol2:
I'm 5'4" and used to be 112 from all the constant diarrhea. Since pred on and off for 10 years I've *ahem* expanded to 150. I just do Weight Watchers and eventually it'll come off, but I kinda stay at 120-125. My doc recommends I stay at that number because when I flare I've been known to drop 20 pounds in a month.
Oh No
this is so funny
but I wouldnt have seen my mistake, if it hadnt been for Mike!!!
GoJohnnyGo said:
MikeinBklyn was actually referencing a since-deleted spam message, not Astra101.

Weirdest spam message I ever saw... I wonder if the guy had accidentally posted a message on the wrong forum... how do you manage to do that?
Mountaingem said:
I'm 5'4" and used to be 112 from all the constant diarrhea. Since pred on and off for 10 years I've *ahem* expanded to 150. I just do Weight Watchers and eventually it'll come off, but I kinda stay at 120-125. My doc recommends I stay at that number because when I flare I've been known to drop 20 pounds in a month.

Your current weight is well within a healthy bmi range though.
I am over weight.. have been my whole life. I look at it as I have some extra weight for when I get into bad flare-ups.
Misty-Eyed said:
Your current weight is well within a healthy bmi range though.
Really? That makes me feel better :smile: My doc always hands me a flyer for Weight Watchers when I come in, after that joker keeps me on pred for 8 months...GRR!
Rob said:
Hmmm readin thru this thread I think I'm officially the biggest/fattest crohnie :(
Rob, what's important is that you get better, so don't stress the weight issue...when you're feeling better and they lower your meds, you'll lose it :)
Last edited:
I'm not sure
I've always been big all my life so don't think it jus my Meds, tho they aren't helping
So of course they weighed me at the Dr's today, and I'm at my heaviest weight ever right now. I am not on any pred or anything, so that's not my excuse for sure. heh I personally just like when people hear you have Crohns and they look you up and down, and you just know they are wondering what happened. hehe Oh well. :)
I know the feeling misscris

I get it all the time - "you got crohns??!!...........aren't you meant to be a rake or stick or something??... not a sumo?"

sux big time
Hi Rob

I agree with Jeanette, dont worry about the weight right now, just get yourself well again, you're a lovely lad, hate to see you get sick again
I'm not fussing about my weight anymore, it'll go when it's ready, I just want to get well and go back to work
take care
Joan xx
Sorry for any confusion. I thought I was reading something in Swaheli with that spam message.

Astra, I can definitley tell that you are NOT a man;) You look maaaarvelous!
I am currently at a weight I don`t like. I hate to complain, because I could be in a flare with alot of pain and skinnier!! But I just feel so bad about myself! I also have enteropathic arthritis which makes exercising very hard. I have started a new job, where I sit at a desk all day! I know i am not getting enough exercise. I want to eat healthier, but find the vegies, whole grains, etc.. makes my fistula inflamed. Not to mention lots more trips to the bathroom!!! UGG!!!!!!
No kidding. I've got to say, I love being encouraged to eat more pizza and less broccoli, but it's not helping with the weight loss. And when you're too sick to exercise (most of the past 6 mos for me), your only hope is weight loss through food!
Is anyone else overweight....

At last its good in an ironic sort of way, to know that i am not the only one that has gained lbs since i was diognosed, last year. i have always battled with my weight.. and am now feeling fit enough to start back at the gym, i know its a hard slogg trying to loose weight, and my bowls paying the price for a high fibre diet... might have to re-evaulate the situation at a later date.. and at least you now know people are in the same boat as you... :poo:
charlieh said:
At last its good in an ironic sort of way, to know that i am not the only one that has gained lbs since i was diognosed, last year. i have always battled with my weight.. and am now feeling fit enough to start back at the gym, i know its a hard slogg trying to loose weight, and my bowls paying the price for a high fibre diet... might have to re-evaulate the situation at a later date.. and at least you now know people are in the same boat as you... :poo:

Hi Charlie, welcome to the forum, perhaps you can tell us your story on a thread of your own and your experiences with IBD. Take care.
I, fortunately, have never been overweight. I've weighed as little as 117lbs and as much as 160lbs (I'm 5'10" in bare feet). I'm currently trying to gain weight. Since my surgery in December, I've only gained 7lbs - I need to gain about 20. It seems to be just as hard to gain as it is to lose!
can1991 said:
I am currently at a weight I don`t like. I hate to complain, because I could be in a flare with alot of pain and skinnier!! But I just feel so bad about myself! I also have enteropathic arthritis which makes exercising very hard. I have started a new job, where I sit at a desk all day! I know i am not getting enough exercise. I want to eat healthier, but find the vegies, whole grains, etc.. makes my fistula inflamed. Not to mention lots more trips to the bathroom!!! UGG!!!!!!
Me too with the enteropathic arthritis! So frustrating-now where did I put that chocolate cake? LOL. Walking is the only exercise for me, and sometimes that's too hard.
Mountaingem said:
Me too with the enteropathic arthritis! So frustrating-now where did I put that chocolate cake? LOL. Walking is the only exercise for me, and sometimes that's too hard.
Some days I feel 90 !! I am really turning 40 next month! :)
yep i'm now at the heavist weight i've ever weight always fluctuated before was finally fine then bam i got sick and since treatment, through out just one year (i've been on treatment exactly a yr now)... i've gained 70 pounds!!!!

i'm only on remicade now.... seems like i'm in remission but wow... the weight is just piling on.... mind you, i haven't been eating well or exercising.

i gotta do something about it! this is insane!!! lol
I am on Remicade and that is it. I am 5' 1" tall and used to weigh around 110-115. I currently weigh 143.5. That is the most I have ever weighed!!! When I don't have a flare with my Crohn's, I eat sensibly, but I find myself constantly eating. It's like I am making up for lost time. If I do have a flare, then I am drinking Smartwater and eating when I am hungry.

I now have a designer's closet with sizes ranging from size 4 to size 12.

I have tried to get back into walking and yoga, but like someone said it is very difficult after you have had a flare (which I have had for almost three months) to get motivated again, but everything that I have read and been told, is that exercise is tremendously helpful!!!!

Diagnosed with Crohn's 2007
Gallbladder removed, Appendix removed, secum removed and 8" of small intestine resected.

Currently only taking Remicade - started in hospital in 2007.
I don't want to say it, because with my luck my Crohn's will lend a hand, but I could stand to lose a few pounds. I find swimming is a great exercise, and is easy on the arthritis!

Good health and best of luck.

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